
itsgroundhogdayagain, to memes in Should we make our service better? No, just pan to Taylor again.

Another major downside is having to also see Mahomes’ wife and brother more.

neryam, to memes in Should we make our service better? No, just pan to Taylor again.

Problem with this meme is that the NFL doesn’t actually want any of those other things because they mean less profits.

sethw, to memes in You have more fun with the FPS counter off

Unless it's VR, then you're definitely not having fun at 30fps.


Unless your idea of fun is motion sickness.

@RavindraNemandi@ttrpg.network avatar

This is very much not my experience


You must be a Quest 1 standalone VRChat user

platypode, (edited )
@platypode@sh.itjust.works avatar

In a modern title designed to be played at 60+, definitely. I’ve been having a blast in dark souls 1 and GTA:SA recently, both of which are capped at 30. Older games are made to work at that FPS, and it takes remarkably little time to adjust and have it feel normal. If I tried to play armored core at 30fps, on the other hand, I think I’d rip my teeth out in frustration.

Edit: misinterpreted the comment above as “unless it’s VR (i.e., in all cases except VR), you are not having fun” rather than “unless it’s VR, in which case you are not having fun.”

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I misunderstood too, so you aren’t alone there.


Fascinating! It never would have occurred to me that the sentence was worded ambiguously until you pointed it out, but your interpretation is 100% valid. English is a strange language.


Dude above did specify in VR though, and I agree. Forget playing anything in VR below 60.

Th4tGuyII, to memes in You have more fun with the FPS counter off
@Th4tGuyII@kbin.social avatar

If I had to choose, I'd take a solid 30 FPS over a constantly stuttering 60 FPS any day, because stuttery frames can completely ruin your immersion.

mihnt, to memes in You have more fun with the FPS counter off
@mihnt@lemmy.world avatar


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  • Rolive,

    Yo dawg I heard you like games so we put a game in your game so you can play while you play.

    ReversalHatchery, to memes in You have more fun with the FPS counter off

    The problem is when the game is visibly lagging after turning down the graphics.


    And you can’t remediate the issue because consoles aren’t upgradable. And then the question is - why did they sell the game on console in the first place?


    Didn’t they delay console launch for this reason?

    Zoomboingding, to memes in You have more fun with the FPS counter off
    @Zoomboingding@lemmy.world avatar

    This meme needs to die already. You can simultaneously enjoy a new experience while others rightly have criticisms of it. Often the Venn diagram is a circle.


    ?? This meme literally says you can criticize it all you want and it doesn’t matter. You proved this meme more right by hating it

    Zoomboingding, (edited )
    @Zoomboingding@lemmy.world avatar

    No, this meme is saying that there’s two groups of gamers that have opposing views, and the critics are fools for expecting a quality product.

    In reality, the group that are playing and enjoying the game are really the only people posting criticisms, because they genuinely like the game.

    To give recent examples, people memed on the Lord of the Rings Gollum game, but nobody was seriously demanding better from the development studio, because nobody actually gave a shit. Conversely, people post criticisms of Cities Skylines II and Starfield because they like the games and wish they could be better.


    No, it means people are allowed to play and have fun despite the criticisms. You getting butt hurt about not only the games but this meme is you being the yelling guy in the comic.

    You played yourself

    @Zoomboingding@lemmy.world avatar

    Rofl nobody’s butthurt, this meme has always been a strawman and I have no idea why you’re defending it.


    Rofl if it doesn’t mean anything then why did you start attacking it in the first place?

    @Zoomboingding@lemmy.world avatar

    I honestly don’t know what you mean by that


    This meme needs to die already.

    Sound familiar? Sounds like someone who’s mad at a meme

    leave_it_blank, to memes in You have more fun with the FPS counter off

    I must admit, when I got my 144hz monitor I was excited, coming from a 60hz monitor. But even if a game runs at 144 fps I don’t see much of a difference, many people do, but I don’t. It’s a bit smoother, but not much.

    But if a game runs at 30 fps it’s horrible. The Crew, for example, can be switched to 30 or 60 fps, that’s night and day!


    Going back to 60, I notice an extreme difference.

    @altima_neo@lemmy.zip avatar

    Yeah, the difference is very noticable once you get used to the higher frame rate.


    Yes, many do. I’m just one of the unlucky ones. But at least I can see the difference between 1080p and 4k. It’s the little things in life…


    It’s super dependent on the game. Baldur’s Gate 3? 30 fps is more than enough. League of Legends? Yeah, I’ll take those 144hz, tho to be honest I don’t notice a big difference compared to 60 fps.


    Yeah, 144hz makes a significant difference for competitive FPS games (especially fast paced ones like Overwatch), but I hardly notice a difference when playing single player or PvE oriented games.

    Hell, on some games (e.g. Borderlands 3 and CP2077) I actually prefer to play on my 60hz monitor since a smooth 60hz is much more enjoyable IMO than an inconsistent 100-144hz experience. My computer is admittedly pretty old though.


    You can cap the fps in software, no need to switch monitors.

    Also personally I always notice the difference, even when scrolling webpages


    144hz in overwatch feels like putting glasses on for the first time, my brain can actually track movement properly

    Most other games I barely notice the difference though


    Just to make sure since it does happen a lot, you did change your monitor refresh rate in your OS right? Windows for some reason really likes to not default to higher than 60hz. You’d also probaly want to enable variable refresh rate in your GPU settings if available. And if you do have VRR, some games are weird and have a specific Vsync option for it, others you can just use VRR on normal Vsync just fine.


    Was gonna say the same. I’ve had this discussion before… “Dude 144hz is a scam it’s the same as 60 for me” my brother in Christ, did you enable it in windows?!


    Yea it honestly shocks me - I mean… not really but yknow - that Microsoft has not done anything about it. Surely someone from the team that keeps trying to jam Edge down peoples throats could just port that shit over for when people have 60hz+ monitors plugged in.


    Yes, everything is configured correctly, but thank you, I too read often that people forget that, so it was the first thing after connecting the monitor I checked.


    Yes, yes and yes :) But thank you, I’ve seen enough posts where people forgot it, so this suggestion definitely was worth mentioning!


    Dang, I was hoping that was the issue since it’s so easy to fix haha. May I ask what monitor you have just out of curiousity? I guess the other thing I would mention is potentially the Overdrive settings being weird, if it’s too low it’ll look smeary and if it’s too high… well it’s smeary, but “reversed” compared to low. Sorry it isn’t working/noticeable for you though, it is great when it’s present.


    It’s the Gigabyte M32U. It’s a good monitor, like I said it’s just me, some people just seem to not profit from it. It is a bit better than 60 Hz, but it’s not the big difference to me compared to 60.

    I followed and tried many things from here: pcmonitors.info/reviews/gigabyte-m32u/, including overdrive. I bought a new cable, tinkered with the settings, both monitor and driver, it’s just me :) maybe it has to do with age!


    There’s a chance you might not notice it for sure, though most can tell immediately when they get put in front of a standard 60hz display. It might be worth a look at the UFO test for both your eyes and monitor. It should be very noticeable if your eyes are doing the tricking, or the monitor isn’t performing correctly on that site. If you have a newer phone that has a 90hz+ display, you can also use that as a sanity check.

    I haven’t heard of that site before and their writing seems… odd. Theres still a couple things that it could be, though they get more funky. It could be that FRC is enabled on the monitor, which on some caused issues with high refresh rate, or adaptive sync (gsync/freesync). It could also (still, if you’re unlucky) be the cable, or port on your GPU, or the GPU itself if it doesn’t support Display Stream Compression if it’s too old. There’s also a chance that the GPU straight up can’t do 4k while your settings are set to 120hz, or vice versa, or even more fun, it might claim to be doing one of those, while doing neither (or just one, but saying it is doing both/neither). Monitor issues are the worst lol.

    Anyways, sorry if I couldn’t help. I’m certain there’s a pretty good chance it is not your eyes, but between Windows… being as it is, and monitors being notoriously annoying to diagnose, it’s not a fun one to track down.


    The monitor is working, like I said there is a difference to 60 Hz, it’s just not that big of a deal as I was expecting it to be. I don’t feel missing out when playing on my old 60 Hz. When I run the UFO test it’s visible it’s working, and the games I usually play reach high frame rates. I used the cable that came with the monitor and got a new one (primarily because the original cable was a bit too short), it’s on me.

    But don’t get me wrong. The workspace alone was worth the upgrade, so I’m not depressed or something like that. And I have fun playing my games, and that’s what matters.

    Thank you for your tips, I really appreciate it!!!

    miss_brainfart, (edited )
    @miss_brainfart@lemmy.ml avatar

    Two things are important here:

    1. The faster something on screen moves, the higher your framerate needs to be for a certain level of motion blur.

    A 2D point and click adventure at 30fps could have comparable motion blur to a competitive shooter at 180, for example

    1. Framerate is inversly proportial to frametimes, which is what makes it harder to notice a difference the higher you go.

    From 30 to 60? That’s an improvement of 16.67ms. 60 to 120 makes 8.33ms, 120 to 240 only improves by 4.17ms, and so on

    Ah, something I want to add:
    That’s only explaining the visual aspect, but frametimes are also directly tied to latency.

    Some people might notice the visual difference less than the latency benefit. That’s the one topic where opinions on frame generation seem to clash the most, since the interpolated frames provide smoother motion on screen, but don’t change the latency.

    AceFuzzLord, to memes in You have more fun with the FPS counter off

    As someone with a lower end spec desktop, I personally think that running emulated games or just normal PC titles at a much lower speed isn’t an issue. Especially since I don’t play FPS games.

    I’m one of those people who’d be fine running a game at fluctuating 30FPS just so long as I can play it. It’s how my desktop handled mc before I boycotted it for minetest and how it handles minetest when I’m not on a super flat void world due to mod strain.

    Rolder, to memes in You have more fun with the FPS counter off

    God I hate this meme format


    Are you saying you want the OP to QUIT HAVING FUN?




    Yeah, it’s so annoying and masturbatory. “Everyone who criticizes my treat is just shrieking at me for liking it”. I don’t like people fixating on tech aspects (at least for indies and small publisher games, AAA can get fucked), but they do not, in my experience, shriek at me for liking things that run poorly.


    Lol did you not see Starfield or Cities Skylines 2 comments? It’s hate circle jerks

    GeneralEmergency, (edited ) to memes in You have more fun with the FPS counter off

    Ah jesus this game is shit ain’t it. I have never seen this meme being used for a game that isn’t dull as dishwater.

    Fuck I was actually looking forward to this one.

    @Thekingoflorda@lemmy.world avatar

    Same, I really hope they will improve it soon.


    May I know what game is being discussed in this post? The game screen within the post is too pixelated to make out what is being shown

    I went through the entirety of the comments, and still don’t know what the game is.


    I’m pretty sure it’s about Cities Skylines II.

    I’ve bought it myself and I personally don’t care about the optimizations + developers warned about it a few times. Still a lot of people get mad and I’m not sure why.


    Ah! Okay. Thanks for answering as well as for the context. :-)


    If you were looking into playing I would recommend watching “City Planner Plays”. He has a couple videos up about CS2 performance and options as well as a “quick start” cough 1 hour long cough video for the main changes you’d want to know in CS2.


    This is exactly how I feel. I’m enjoying it more now after I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Service Charge lol

    I did get literally 5 fps in the main menu when I first started, that had me worried. I set it to medium settings and then back to high and for some reason that fixed it.


    on the bright side, once it’s in a playable state after a few patches it will probably be on sale!


    I’ve been having fun. I feel like the performance criticism is significantly overblown.

    Performance could be better, but we’re talking motion blur and smoothing frame rates when swapping texture pallets.


    Performance issues aren’t my concern, as from what I’ve seen it’s just a couple options causing the problems.

    But anytime I’ve seen this meme being used. I always get the impression the game isn’t fun, because why would you think people are out to ruin your fun unless you’re not actually having fun.

    The mailbag showdown episode of zero punctuation talks about this better than what I could.


    Yeah, I usually see it being used when a game lands in the “bad press” category.
    Personally, ive felt slightly frustrated at the dogpilling because it’s the type of game where I want to go look at the community response, see some of what other people are building, and get ideas for things to try to add to mine. Right now it’s hard to do that because looking for hospital placement tips just gets an air horn blast about how it’s unplayable because search engines suck sometimes.

    And sometimes you just see the same posts over and over, and it just doesn’t match with what you’re actually doing and seeing and you want to laugh at people complaining about 30fps and no motion blur being unplayable in a city building game.

    AlexWIWA, to memes in You have more fun with the FPS counter off

    Any first person game at 30fps will give me motion sickness sadly

    Strategy games don’t give me any issues though. Which is good because half of them have their campaign speed locked at 30fps with all game logic and map scripts tied to it



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  • AlexWIWA,

    I wish every reasonably popular old game would get a remaster that only decouples frame rate from game logic. That’s all I need for the old C&C games.

    NSFW Rivals is the greatest typo ever btw.

    pewgar_seemsimandroid, to memes in You have more fun with the FPS counter off

    cut off

    BattleBeetle, to memes in You have more fun with the FPS counter off

    Normalize unfinished / unoptimized games!


    I love poor development practices because I personally don’t mind!

    helenslunch, to memes in You have more fun with the FPS counter off
    @helenslunch@feddit.nl avatar

    I usually put all the afterburner tech specs up and mess with the settings for the first 10 minutes or so while I get it running at its best. Then I turn them off.

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