Whenever people ask me what engineering work is like, I always tell them I have no idea. I’m not an engineer; engineers drive trains, I’m just a poser.
Cyndrical locks are pretty easy to pick, though. There’s a $20 tool where you stick it in and wiggle it and done (this sentence is dirty and I’m not apologizing). Newer stuff uses different springs on each pin so they don’t all pop at once, but then you just wiggle it for one pin, turn it a bit, then hit the next one. Takes longer, but it’s not hard to learn.
This post actually made me look for a solution and I found one! Solution to opening tiktoks without using tiktok app or site, not how to stop ur friends sending u garbage.
It made me think… mpv player can play basically any link you throw at it (thanks to yt-dlp), and we also have mpv on Android, so why can’t we do it there as well. And sure enough, I found this github.com/mpv-android/mpv-android/pull/58, someone baked yt-dlp in mpv for Android, making it possible to open link in mpv (share >> play in mpv)
While this is useful, it could be even better! If the AndroidManifest.xml also contained support for Facebook, TikTok and Instagram links it could be set to directly open them instead needing to share it to mpv.
The copyright expires in 2044. The Perter Jackson series came out 2001-2003. From a studio point it is approaching the now or never time. They need to make one within the next few years to be able to make a 3rd one just before the end of copyright. From a studio buisness perspective this makes sense and is kind of a no-brainer.
As always I like promoting open source frontends for these pages. For tiktok I use proxytok. For changing any tiktok link to one of these instances use the libredirect extension for firefox, it also works in mobile