Potatoes revolutionized human agriculture once we discovered which parts of the plants weren’t poisonous. Unlike the human standard before that point, mostly grains, Potatoes can grow even on slopes and mildly rocky terrain.
I recently started TNG and saw that episode for the first time a week or two ago. When she died, I literally did not believe it right up until the end of the episode because of how anti-climactic her death was. I was absolutely sure it was going to be a fake-out.
When the episode ended, I had to look up why she was written out because I was so utterly perplexed.
… And it turned out Tasha really died, though the article did mention the actress returning on a few occasions. It sounded like the first season was a little rough behind the scenes, and the actress was also worried that the role would be too repetitive(?)
Ultimately, I feel kind of bad for the actress since TNG is widely revered as one of the best sci-fi series and she missed an opportunity to be a major part of it; but I can understand why she felt the need to leave. Plus this change gave Worf more time to shine, and also made room to introduce Guinan; so I really can’t be mad.
I also still find it pretty touching when the cast references Tasha and mourn her (like Data’s hologram in the episode where they legally have to prove his sentience).
I had a burn out and had been home recovering for about 4 months from January, and only slowly building back up since May, and have been back fully since late August, so it definitely feels like this. Time passes really quickly and unremarkably when you sit at home doing ‘nothing’.