I once told my cousin that eventually your fingers fall off and you grow in your adult fingers. I told him like how his dad(physical laborer) has big hands/ fingers eventually his would be like that. He believed me but asked my other cousin when he got home who just confirmed it to him. Now we both are kinda jerks maybe but this comic could totally happen.
This is me 5 times a day when I go fill up my water bottle, I get an email, use the bathroom or do something else quickly and go back to my desk and 15 minutes later go to drink water and realize I left it upstairs by the fridge.
Sounds like lots of folks who could take advantage of SmartTags/Airtags and the “notify when left behind” function. Tuck/Clip a tag in thing that needs to go with. Get electronically yelled at if you get to far.
Having a mnemonic helps me with routine everyday things, though one-time things require the “attach keys or block door” method.
What I have settled on for routine items is a numbered list. Nothing complicated to remember. Just which item is which number.
When I get ready to leave my house, or stand up to leave work, it goes like this counting in my head:
1, 2: work phone and personal phone in one pocket
3, 4: wallet and keys in the other pocket
5, 6: watch on my left wrist and water bottle in my right hand
[7, 8]: if necessary: wireless earbuds and backpack
Plus at work, I have a strict rule that I cannot put my keys anywhere but my pocket. My fob to get in the building is on my key chain, and after the second time I locked myself out I made the rule. If I do take my keys out of my pocket to clip/unclip something like a USB flash drive or nail clippers, the keys stay in my hand until they go back into the pocket.
There are a lot of things ppl seem to ascribe to adhd that aren’t (and also it often depends on the severity/frequency whether it’s normal or not) but also symptoms for different mental afflictions often overlap and distinguishing between them can be hard. So it’s very possible something is related to adhd, but someone experiences the same issue without having adhd.
I have no idea if this particular issue is related to adhd though, but doesn’t seem unlikely.
Adhd-ers aren’t living in alien bodies, we’re all uniquely human. The problem with adhd is in the executive function of the brain. So we make certain human mistakes others (can) also make to the point where it becomes a disorder. In this case to all the things that have to do with executive functions. Looks different for everyone and there are many different expressions of the disorder.
So you can relate? Okay now imagine this happening everyday multiple times a day with things big and small. The other day I wanted to put lotion on my face so I put toothpaste on my gf toothbrush. It’s harmless and small most of the time, but it’s constant and you have to work hard to overcome it.
Don’t put the thing in an easy to remember spot, or an easy to find spot. Put it in an inevitable spot. It has to be physically impossible to leave without it.
Small items can go in front of the door, or put the keys with them, ideally clipped on with a carabiner. Large items have to either block the door, or go in the car ahead of time immediately when I think of it.
Combine this with a wife who is a pro at losing things, and if something is in her way she’ll move it to the nearest open flat surface with no time or reason.