so true it’s awful you can’t tell posts from ads from what your subscribed too. all for what. I started using reddit with Apollo and it has to be the best app that I’ve chose/chosen to use(probably very close to a human guide lines compliment app too so many options and tweaks). to lose it over money grab ego bolstering is just the nail in the coffin for reddit to me. to think it used to be this place to be exposed to new ideas and topics anf by the way if you have any technical, personal, or financial question you can find some good literal information with a little effort for that too. just a shame our societies fr profit mentality.
It wouldn't surprise me if the popularity was artificially inflated. Social media has known for a while now that encouraging outrage drives views and clicks. Coupled with Reddit using bots when it was first up to artificially populate the site, there has probably always been some bullshittery going on, it's just become more obvious now. I unsubbed to subs like r/facepalm and all the other rage generating subs because they were having a detrimental effect on my mental health and because it was obvious they were encouraging and driving outrage for clicks.
Trying to get redditors from r/NCD over here. I will say it has taken me an hour to understand somewhat how to create an account and get into a community that I wanted into. I still do not understand 90% of what lemmy is
It's so confusing because web2 is evolving into web3 and we are the pioneers. If you're on one you're basically on all of the fediverse, mastodon/pixelated/kbin/Lemmy/peertube and makertube is even newer. Just remember don't click stupid links and do ask stupid questions, someone else probably needs to know too.
There are several levels to this. First, the actual software. In the Fediverse (simply the agglomeration of software that can interact through a common protocol called Activitypub) there are several solutions that offer a Reddit like experience. Kbin and Lemmy are the ones we focus on for now. Its different software with similar goals that can interact with each other.
Now, the second level is the actual server (also called instance). There is no central Kbin or Lemmy server (although the instances that are run by the developers tend to basically become that). Instead there are a lot of servers (e.g beehaw,, that run either Lemmy or Kbin. These servers can interact with each other, because their software can, this is called federation.
This brings us to the third level, the users, you and me. I have an account on, because thats where i went to sign up. runs Kbin, so I use Kbin. Same for you. Bread2390 has a account, which runs Lemmy, as far as i know. So they are on a different server (instance) with a different software (lemmy) but we can interact just fine because of federation.
Now, all of this sounds complicated and kinda is, but in your interaction you didnt even notice that they are on a different server running different software. But if went down, or tge software kbin would somehow turn to shit, bread2390's account would keep working just fine.
Shit like this is why I switched to a third party app a while ago. I used to have the official app on my phone because iOS and everything I remembered seeing as far as 3PAs went was all for Android before I heard of Apollo. But the fact that I was seeing “posts” like this every three-or-so posts, and the fact that they were all over the comments as well was just way too much.
It’s exactly why I will not go back. I have like three niche subreddits saved that have no real equivalent in the Fediverse and I’ll only check in on occasion. Through Old.Reddit. With a browser that has an ad blocker built in.
oh. well, there's artemis that in private alpha at the moment. should be out in a few weeks i hope. Plus kbin is a PWA, so you can add it to your home screen.
Plato's cave. If all you have ever experienced is a shit app, then the shit app seems fine to most people. Others will recognize its faults but not how bad it is because they think that the only alternative is to have no app.
I got distracted by the post about the person’s boyfriend putting laundry detergent in their dishwasher. I guess that does mean RIF is better, since only one post is visible on the other one.
The really really sad thing is, Reddit could have done a half decent job and made a fair bit of money, but they decided on stupidity instead.
Sure, it would have upset some people a bit, but... Not by anywhere close to the same degree.
Alright, we're sorry, but use of the API is going to have to start costing money for some kinds of uses.
First off, people that just want to scrape everything get the following access, and a much higher rate limit, but it's going to cost $x.
Moderator tools will always be free, but the API will require that the tool be associated with a moderator, and it will only permit access to subs that the user is a moderator for.
Community bots will generally be free, subject to the following restrictions.
And 3rd party clients will be charged a minimal amount, calculated to be roughly equal to what we are making from similar users on the official clients, to make up for lost ad revenue. Alternate options involving profit sharing may be viable, contact X for details.
By accepting the API agreement, you agree that use of the wrong class of API usage (for example, using the community bot or 3rd party client classes for data scraping) will be billed, retroactively, at $X * 10.
There. That's really not that hard. And people would have been much less upset at that, at least as long as the fees were actually as described, and not based on, say, how much they would like to make per user.
You'd probably want a free tier for 3rd party clients for users of specific account types. If the user is paying for Reddit Premium, maybe 3rd party clients don't get charged for API usage for that user account. Or if the user is a moderator for a given subreddit, API usage for that user on that subreddit is also free. With an API that the client can use to check the status of such things. If they were smart, they would also have a process for users with disabilities to have their accounts exempted from fees. That last one is hard, because you need a verification process, but it would get them a lot of good will.
Again... This shouldn't be hard. And it would have turned into a viable revenue stream!
Hell, flatly disclose that the 3rd party cost is 30% more than the average cost of using the standard client, to support the effort required to maintain the API. (Largely bullshit, but it makes those users more valuable than those that use the official client, while not being expensive enough to make it impossible for anyone to offer a 3rd party client at an even remotely sane cost.)
Yes, this would have very sadly been the end of free 3rd party clients... But I for one would have been... Okay with paying a small amount per month/year through the app store for a client that didn't suck.
Instead, Reddit decided that committing suicide was the better path forward.
I really wish there were more viable alternatives to Youtube, but since so many peoples' livelihoods rely on having the largest audience possible, they're pretty much forced to use YouTube.
well, i am from kbin and the people i have migrated are also on kbin, there has never been any confusion, it's made migration really easy. i have been told lemmy has intimidated and put off migrants by those migrants themselves. i think initially people should start on kbin, they will grow a natural understanding about federation and the fediverse, and from there they can choose if lemmy or others suits them more as a platform.
If i had to guess, one single platform is something people new to federation can easily understand. What happens behind the scenes is nothing the average user needs to know or should even notice. Time will change that understanding, this is just the beginning and there should not be a rush because that will scare people away.
Just wow. Never knew it was that bad. I've been browsing with adblock since forever and quit Reddit immediately when RIF stopped working. Wouldn't be able to tolerate that official shit one minute.
This ad is bad, but them being just masked as a normal post did grind my gears even more. Reading half way through the title until i figure that it’s just an ad is something i can’t accept.
This magazine is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.