For me, it's a bidet toilet seat. I bought one that didn't really fit as well as I hoped, so now I am shopping for a v2 based on experience. I don't want to live without one going forward. That's for sure.
I read a lot. I used to always keep a paperback book with me ever since I was a teenager. My Kindle goes everywhere with me, since I got my first one in 2009. I just wish they’d make them smaller, the first Oasis was the perfect size for carrying around all the time (I’m a guy, no purse).
Dry herb vape: I mainly use it with cannabis and for me it gives clearer effects,better taste, more control of the high when wanted (different temperatures gives different results basically). More easy and discrete to operate on the go, and not bond to smoke a whole j if I decide to get high (last two depends on the device though) and also gave me a fun hobby.
If you want to buy one, fell free to ask for advice at !vaporents and be aware as some devices at regular shops are health hazard (looking at you, Gpen)
My Instant Pot. I’m the cook at home and it saves me so much time and food comes out so good I barely use my stovetop anymore. Same with the air fryer. Between both kitchen gadgets, I can make a tremendous meal for 4 in 30 minutes. It has saved me weeks!
Single-Board Computers (Raspberry Pi, Odroid, etc). I can’t stress how much these have improved my life. Whether it’s a simple PiHole filtering out ads, or my Predator Deterrent system for my Chickens, they’ve made life much easier.
Agreed, although for me it’s the Leatherman Micra, small enough for keychain and has a chunky pair of scissors instead of pliers as the main tool. I find the standard scissors on most pen knives or multi tools are always secondary and often flimsy but the ones on the Micra are great.
And I seem to use scissors waaay more than a knife, much easier for cutting tags off things, cutting an opening in a bag of coffee, cutting string in two, cutting tape…
recently got my old psp fixed up, it’s made my family’s near constant outings significantly more bearable. tried emulating it a while back on my phone but it just didn’t feel right using touch.
Not really a gadget but tools in my car, countless times people or even I’ve needed them and because I carry them around with me in my car it’s been a life saver and a small electric drill to make it easier instead of using a rachet or screw driver
I assume you meant to reply to the bidet comment. I assure you, you get used to it. Frankly it feels like my days don’t truly start until I get a blast of cold water up the ass.
A Bluetooth audio DAC/amp. Connects to my phone. And I can use whatever wired set of earphones I want. Light gardening: earbuds. In public transport: over/on ears. And if the DAC dies, I get to keep my earphones and just replace the DAC.
I think he’s joking that they just don’t clean their house.
An added value of smart vacuum is just that it simply does the cleaning regulary without slacking so there’s overall less dust in the apartment hence you not only don’t have to vacuum but also dusting off furniture etc. is required less frequently.
don’t even need the fancy ones. AA battery powered one costs $10 and performs just the same as the $300 Bluetooth enabled social-media-linked brush with a 3 year BrushPro app subscription (wow! a $240 value! Buy today!)
No. I haven’t cared as much about that and I’m not sure why. I’ve both learned the old fashioned way and haven’t minded the results. I very rarely get the internal temperature wrong enough to not enjoy the food.
Pretty sure he means the surface temp of where he’s about to put the food to cook.
Use the laser to see how hot the cast iron is before putting the meat on. Or how hot the oil is before deep frying. The laser thermometers are good for that.
My cordless drill. I didn’t think I’d need one because I never did a lot of things that required me to drill or screw things together. But now that I have it I can’t go back. I’ve found so many uses. I’d definitely recommend getting a nice driver bit set with one, if you ever put together furniture from a store like Ikea, a nice hex bit makes it go so much faster.
To add to this, there’s nice multi function ones. I have the Black and Decker Matrix drill (cordless and corded) with several attachments. I don’t do a ton of maintenance nor professional projects and it’s been a huge life (and storage) saver. Super convenient.
I got 2 bidets from tushy. Super easy to install and now I despise shitting away from home. I’m so much more clean using water instead of a piece of (toilet) paper.
If you want to try to convince your family then look up that Pulp Fiction scene when Samuel L Jackson explains that if a piece of shit was on your (face) cheek then you’d probably want something more than a piece of paper to clean it up. He obviously explains it better.
Or just buy it and install it without them. They don’t have to use it and your booty will thank you.
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