No. An old colleague of mine is on LinkedIn non-stop posting crazy QAnon shit and RT headlines. Anti-vax more-or-less started in the UK with the Andrew Wakefield affair and it seems to be super-popular in Australia too. Conspiracy Theory kind of helps people rationalise the absolute chaotic mess of the world we live in by reducing it to simple narratives where a defined enemy is out to get us.
It’s easier to think everyone is out to get you. Than that you are just an insignificant self sabotaging fuck up. Not even on the radar of the elder gods
I lost a couple of people in my life and handled both in ways I still regret. I also have my sense of enjoyment challenged in absurd manners, and perhaps it’s these two things that have made me self-numb.
The words “lose” and “loose” have the same vowel sound (and for some reason the extra “o” changes /z/ to /s/).
There are no other words ending in -ose that have the /u/ sound
Many words ending in -oose exist that have an /u/ sound, including the very common word, “choose”, which has the same /uz/ sound that “lose” has at the end
I never get these spellings mixed up but I can absolutely understand why someone would.
Realizing that all of the patriotic stuff I was fed as a child was bullshit, and realizing what I had actually become a part of by joining the US Army.
Me and my brother both joined the army at slightly different times. We both did a tour in Afghanistan that overlapped and were just one province away from each other. I did a second tour over there and he got out.
We both came from a VERY conservative family. It was after serving that we both became suuuuper liberal. It was like the wool being pulled out from out eyes when we joined the army and saw how much of a lie it all was. Oddly enough, this is a semi common story for conservative people joining the military.
We grew up with our dad working in the military-industrial-complex and he would make fun of the liberals who called out the military for serving the MIC companies, and how it Iraq was a war for profit. Then we serve and see it first had with all the contractors, the needless equipment, the contracts for new tech that wasn’t needed, and all the other money sinks going into it. It was all a lie.
We grew up being told how bad universal healthcare would be, but then had it in the military and saw how amazing it was.
We were told that if people didn’t have a personal motivation through debt and loans to make them work harder, then people going through college would have no motivation to improve their lives. And yet here I am with the GI bill. (Granted, I still have 70k in student loans. The GI bill is kind of a lie in its self).
Everything that was a conservative talking point was exposed as a lie after joining army.
Very similar background for myself minus a family working for the MIC. Did two tours in Iraq. Went in a Christian conservative and came out the complete opposite. Wish I had the wits about me to figure it out a better way.
Everything that was a conservative talking point was exposed as a lie after joining army.
I have definitely gotten more leftwing as I have aged. My family was the same militant Christianity. Nothing as impressive as what you did, more of just seeing the ideas I was taught not working.
I don’t mind AI art at all as long as it’s not posted in any art of photo based communities (besides ones intended for AI art.)
When it comes to memes, I don’t even care if those are labeled as containing AI art. Memes are naturally derivative, so labeling it as AI art would be like linking the exact stock photo you used. Wouldn’t be mad if we did label them though. Just don’t want there to be a double standard.
Encountering AI art in photo communities is super annoying though. It’s increasingly common for people to submit obviously AI photos and that’s super annoying.
I am ok with clearly-labeled posts that are in dedicated comms and occassionally enjoy examples of the shitshow that the models produce when they hallucinate. However, if the model is trained on works without authorization from and compensation to the creators of its training data, I find their use beyond ethically-questionable.
I have been to Mauthausen concentration camp.
Harrowing expereince, especially when you are walking through one of the buildings with lots of artifacts in glass cases and information on plaques and go through a doorway and suddenly your in a room with floor to ceiling tiles and shower heads…
Can imagine. Visited the Yad Vashem holocaust museum in Jerusalem and the holocaust museum in Berlin. Both were awesome and brutal experiences. Well worth a visit.
Back seat of a car at a green space/park, but it didn’t get very far, so I’d hesitate to really call it sex. I’m pretty much ace though, so that’s the best you get.
I worked as a transplant coordinator, and that job was soul crushing every day.
One of the worst moments was being on the intake phones. It a phone number every hospital in the area calls whenever anyone dies. They report the details of the death, and we determine if there’s any possibility for donation.
I knew my uncle had been sick, but nobody told me they put him in hospice care and had withdrawn treatment. I took hundreds of calls, maybe thousands, but I still remember the feel of the receiver in my hand when the voice on the line said his name.
There were many sad stories, many sad days, so much that you become numb to it. It was horrible, but it made my job easier because when the numbness sets in, you can think of the trauma and empathize.
Something one of my exes said to me that id rather not think about let alone repeat. Break ups can bring out an evil darkness in people that you didn’t know was there.
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