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nucawysi, in At what point is violence on a large scale justified?

violence is never justified unless it is in self defense, the problem is people interpret self defense in different ways, that seems to be the issue


But I think the fact that the definition of self defense is up for debate calls into question whether violent self defense is ever justified.

Toes, in What websites do you highly recommend to other likeminded hobbyists?

This website is helpful for finding anime to watch. It has a robust tag and recommendations system. If you don’t know where to start I picked a favourite of mine. is a great site to buy anime games. and are great merchandise sites. is a streaming site for anime that I find has a great selection

Knusper, in What are some places you can spend time where you're protected from the elements and it doesn't cost anything to be there?

Universities are cool (presumably only if you live in a country without tuition).


Yeah, in the states a college campus center is a great place to hang out if you’re passible as a student. Some of the campuses are huge and there are multiple places that don’t require an ID card


Anyone can be a student in a community college :)

halferect, in Why wasn't NYC's Central Park concept copied by other cities?

They didn’t set it aside, they displaced people to make a park.


I’m honestly surprised that they haven’t followed up by just allowing the city to gradually eat the park.

littlecolt, in Why wasn't NYC's Central Park concept copied by other cities?

Check out Forest Park in St. Louis. It’s nice.


I spent a day there last time I was in St. Louis. It was really nice. There were a few museums and the zoo you could all go to for free.

HerrLewakaas, in Why wasn't NYC's Central Park concept copied by other cities?

Happy Munich noises. Bigger than central park too 😉


Yeah, I think OP is asking strictly from a US perspective (although being USdefaultist by not specifying it), because I can’t really think of any large European city which doesn’t have realitve large parks in the city center or next to it.

techognito, avatar

TIL I have more reasons to visit Munich than to visit NYC


Came here to write that. Central Park didn’t need to be copied because a lot of European cities had that decades to centuries before.

Tiergarten Berlin, Schlossgarten Stuttgart, Praterinsel Vienna, Planten un Blomen Hamburg, Maschsee/Eilenriede in Hannover, Züriberg Zürich, just to name a few in the Germanophone world.

It’s possibly harder to find a large city who hasn’t some equivalent than find one with it - and most without one lost it after WW2 and American city planning.

Freesiana, in What is your ringtone?

Cyberpunk 2077 Rebel path Cello version

gummybootpiloot, in So how much "bad" debt are you in?

200k student loans, 110federal, 90k private

Freesiana, in Lemmy users, who is the worst person you've ever known?

Cliche as it sounds, my ex. It took so many years and therapy to understand that i was dating person who was very manipulative and perhaps had some kind of personality disorder or something else. My ex sometimes penetraded me while i was sleeping by fingers or penis. Pressuring to anal sex even if i didnt want it, otherwise they would gaslight me or giving me silent treatments if i wasnt agreeing, pressuring to make videos to pornhub because we had money issues while i was grieving my friend’s death, sometimes “forgotting” protection and other things. Relationship ended because they were cheating me with a friend. I wasnt always good person to her cause i started to have anger issues, social anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts and i am pretty sure that these issues begin with those actions. They tried gaslight me that i caused the cheating, but i am so fucking glad that i trusted myself and end that relationship. It will take loooooong time to heal from the trauma that they caused and trust issues, but i am slowly getting better. If anyone has going throught same, please just please leave and love yourself, it will get better.♥️

derf82, in Why wasn't NYC's Central Park concept copied by other cities?

People are giving examples of parks that are way off in the boonies.

First, things are not so binary that it’s either high rises and boonies.

Second, NYC has a huge central business district. My own city does not have enough high rises to surround a large park. Such a park would destroy most midsize cities, not enhance them.


Yes I understand nyc has more, the point is centrally located


Less than 12,000 people live in downtown Cleveland to NYC’s 1.6 million in Manhattan alone. My whole county has 1.26 million, NYC has 8.8 million. I bet person for person, Cleveland has more space than Manhattan

Consider Public Square and the Group Plan malls. Cleveland is also working in a lakefront development.

RememberTheApollo_, in Why are we as humans obsessed with mass-extinction of our species?

Because you can turn on the TV and air conditioning and it’s like nothing bad is happening.

azn03, in Gamers who have gamed for a long time

Yep. I’ve never left Counterstrike and with CS2 that came back, friends from when I played when I was in college have come back to play so we’ve been playing. Story wise, I could get into it but there just isn’t enough time and what time you have you’re going to sacrifice sleep.

It’s all about getting old.


Yup, this is the real reason. When you’re a kid/teenager, you don’t realize just how much free time you have to spend on stuff like video games. Then you become an adult and have way more responsibilities, and suddenly video games just aren’t as appealing as a time sink as they used to be.

BeardedBlaze, avatar

Lol I’m in my 40s, and play with guys same age as me up to guys in their 60s. Just because you don’t have the time, doesn’t mean all adults don’t.


That might not be the flex you think it is…

BeardedBlaze, avatar

What flex? I’m simply stating that he doesn’t speak for all adults. Once my kids were old enough to hold a controller, I got them into gaming. All 3 are teenagers now, and I love gaming with them. One of the few hobbies where age really doesn’t matter.

Edit: spelling

NocturnalMorning, in Gamers who have gamed for a long time

Same, I find I’m super picky with games now, and have a hard time finding new stuff. But I’ll go back and play stuff from when I was a kid for the 17th time no problem.

Rhynoplaz, in Gamers who have gamed for a long time

Same here. Time is just more valuable now. Hopping into a few quick rounds just feels easier than starting something up and getting halfway through the beginning tutorial, before being interrupted by the kids or wife, and then feeling like you just wasted the hour or so you had to spare, because you didn’t even start playing the actual game yet.


Why I play brawlhalla, and only brawlhalla. For as long or as little as I can


Yup, the only game I play right now is factorio and that was a mistake. Staying up after the kids fell asleep and magically it’s 4 hrs later. PC broke and I’m finally getting proper sleep. Should have stuck with slay the spire and other 1 hr run type games


Dang, I was defeated… but now I get to sleep?

Slay the Spire Victory? Screen, The Silent laying on the floor


dunno, better start another run to have something to do while you figure that out


Exactly. I know I only have like an hour tops before need to do something and it’s just not enough time to truly immerse myself so I end up not even want to start the game.
Now I’m wondering when I’ll be 50 and the kids will be gone and have time again to play 8-10 hours straight. Maybe then.

banana_meccanica, in Gamers who have gamed for a long time

I was more curious at beginning, then I become addicted to MMOs so gaming become focused, while playing casual other games as break from MMOs. Fortunately I defeat my addiction but now I lost interest in gaming, I see many titles but I don’t see any point to play. I remember playing for sharing fun was my deal, PlayStation one with friends then MMOs with guilds and virtual friends. But addiction kicks hard with the needs to grind and grind, to like give at this friends a golden guild-hall, but at what cost? Real life where anything as grow, only misery.

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