I wouldn’t necessarily trust a cloud so I would encrypt my files before uploading and wouldn’t use the cloud as my only solution. Because they guarantee for nothing and could just delete your account or their service. But it can expand your backup with another layer.
(Haven’t found my perfect solution, just some thoughts)
Like I said I haven’t found my ideal solution yet. I’m using multiple offline harddrives at my home and at my parents home. So my backup is more or less save from most problems/attacks. But its not really up to date and its a lot of manual work always pluging them in when I want to make a backup und copying the files.
When I reached Google Photos max capacity, I invested in a good 4 bay Synology NAS with 16TB. I left the old photos and documents in Google Cloud but all new ones go to the NAS.
I’m really happy with the NAS. I’m aware I could have saved money with a homebuilt one, but I wasn’t botheres tinkering.
More practical: the main version is on my desktop PC. That one gets synced automatically to my NAS. This NAS makes a nightly incremental backup to a cloud provider.
Once you have a setup like this, maintaining it is peanuts. Pay the bills on time and setup email alerts to let you know if drives are going bad or you’re reaching your storage limits.
You do need to ensure you’re testing your recovery plans once in a while. A backup is worthless if you can’t restore it
Honestly, things could be way worse, but could also definitely be better. After many many years of rule under cabinets led by the neoliberal VVD party, earlier this year the cabinet fell. Mark Rutte, leader of the VVD and prime minister for forever, also announced that he was stepping down. Under his party, many scandals erupted and the living standards for many normal people got worse.
And thus it is time for change, but it’s not exactly certain what that change will be. The last polls I saw had the VVD (with a new candidate and seemingly a different course), PvDA/GL (combined list of labour and green party), and a new party called “New Social Contract” (NSC) going pretty even for the lead. But many other parties are also in the mix.
Time will tell of this goes the right or the wrong way, but it’s surely an exciting time for politics. Hopefully income inequality will decrease, people will be happier again, etc.
Overall I’m slightly hopeful about the future. Despite all the problems, it’s still a great country to be in, and I don’t think that that’ll change too much in the grand scheme.
VEEAM makes a local backup every night, but all my Windows libraries are mapped to a Google drive. Anything saved there automatically syncs to the cloud.
Always do both. Ideally have three copies of your data at all times. For the most important stuff, I also sent a drive to a family member in a different part of the county in case of natural disaster.
The home button is on the touchscreen of my smartphone. When I try to type in a hurry, I often miss the spacebar and tap the home button at some point in a paragraph. Then suddenly I’m looking at the apps I have open, feeling old, wishing for a physical keyboard.
Not specifically a button but I swear if I'm not looking at my phone playing something for audio on YouTube, the lightest touch anywhere on the screen just so happens to be where the ad is.
A refresh button when I'm moving around on a map with right mouse button (don't ask me why it's made this way, idk) and it resets all my work done on the map.
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