i fire up syncthing every once in a while, mainly because of pictures of my cat. i store it all on my main PC, and am planning to implement my NAS as well soon.
I have a Synology server. I have an external drive. I have an extra 2TB drive on my PC. I have two large storage thumb drives. I have a Google photos account. I have an Instagram, I have a pixelfed account. I have a drop box account. I have a mega account. They all hold my photos. Do you want more? 😂
Kremlin politicians, mass russian and communist propaganda and mass migration out of the country… And somehow there is a huge job market, inflation isn’t out of control and we’ve got one of the better 5G coverages in the EU… Bulgaria’s a weird country.
It’s hard to say where the country is headed, but unfortunately a big part of the population seems to believe the Kremlin politicians and that communism will somehow magically fix the country and remove inflation and that somehow we’ll be better off without NATO, which according to them forced us to give all or military equipment to Ukraine (ignoring the fact that literally all the military equipment Bulgaria has given to Ukraine is USSR era stuff that won’t stand a chance against modern militaries, that NATO conveniently protects it’s from)… That being said the kremlins haven’t won the elections yet, so we’ll see what happens in the future…
Because I use j and L for back and forwards 10 seconds, so I might as well use k for pause and resume given its in the middle. Also often space will just scroll down the page, like how up and down arrows sometimes do volume and sometimes scroll.
Way to often the player is not in focus (mostly after alt tabbing) and space bar scrolls me one page down. Now I have to scroll up again and klick into the picture. Infuriates me just thinking about it.
I have terabytes worth of family photos and videos going back decades. Imagine trying to find one in you email. Yikes.
Google photos backs them all up for me for a couple buck a month. Every single one is available on my phone in seconds using their creepy good search tools, without taking up any phone space. That’s good enough for me.
They’re unapologetically weird, fiercely in love with each other, they support and love their children unconditionally, they’re brutally honest with each other, including openly showing affection without giving a damn about what others may think of them. They’re one of the best (fictional) examples of caring parents and lovers, and I will die on that hill.
I have this vague memory of an interview where this was being talked about and how showing them as kind, loving people with real emotions was somewhat controversial. If anyone knows what I am talking about please chime in.
B&W, german production, bad dubbing, 10 girls 1 guy, Stanley Kubrick’s cinematographer, uranium, exploitation flick, plane crash, plenty of WTF, island, oh and some spiders.
Step into bizzaro world.
A few versions on archive.org. Apparently the restored one includes the original German adult content that was cut for the 1962 rerelease.
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