Look, don’t kill me over specificity. I wanted a general statement and cannot possibly name every avenue by which society collapses without being boringly pedantic, however I would suggest that “modern” Non-nomadic societies generally faced wealth concentration, disparity, and collapse at some point.
Because misguidance is easy, natural forces are disruptive, and this thing we call mental health is fragile and twisty, total satisfaction will never be possible. The next best thing to do is to prepare, and that helps at least half of things. Fortunately victory typically favors the wise if no gimmicks are used.
People whose ability to back themselves hold water compared to their opponents. But the “without gimmicks” part is key. Of course you’re going to have people who win because they cheated everyone or stumbled upon the keys to victory by chance. Hence the first part.
Have you tried Apple’s included “News” app? I’m in the US, so I’m not sure how well it would work for you. But Apple generally doesn’t sell your data, although I’m sure they do analytics for internal use.
I use that, Ground News, and daily digest emails from my local city newspaper and the indie neighborhood news site.
I might try Apple News, but I’m afraid of a possible bias. Ground News on the other hand seems to provide many sources for one subject and I’m digging it for now
Tried a bunch of stuff and finally found some exploits that gave me infinite ammo, 100000000x damage with the starter pistol and infinite health. Eventually, I also found a way to walk through the walls, so I dropped down into the infinite void, waited for the coordinate system to cause an integer overflow and here we are. Anyway, if you’re wondering where all the lag is coming form, it’s because I started decorating places by duplicating watermelons. Who knew that the watermelon stack doesn’t have an upper limit. It just keeps on doubling every time. Hey, you might also want to implement a garbage collection system that despawns stuff like that after a while. You know, that huge watermelon pyramid that glitches through the sky box… yeah, that’s a lot of collisions happening all the time. Just don’t look straight at it, because it’s going to wreck your fps.
Every now and then a post with a question like this pops up on lemmy and I wonder if the Sync company has anything to do with it, because Sync always gets to be the most mentioned answer. It is beyond me why anyone would use an app that pushes ads on you while browsing content from a website that doesn’t have any…
ljdawson and rmayayo did great work on their apps, and I purchased both of their apps.
Making software is not easy. I’m a software developer, too. I’m very happy that there is a paid version without ads, I definitely wouldn’t use them if I had to use the version with ads.
In my experience, they both provide superior experiences that are both familiar to people and well integrated into Android, especially Sync. Boost has more features however.
If you’re looking for a FOSS app, Connect is the next best thing IMO.
I’m currently using the free version. I had the paid version for Reddit, but just haven’t purchased the Lemmy version yet.
The ads are really unintrusive though. I think it’s one ad every time you reload the feed, about four posts down or so. After that, I think there’s no more ads. It’s extremely minor, hence why I haven’t really felt like I needed to get around to purchasing it.
My account is about 5 days old. I’m not home during this weekend and I don’t feel like playing games now so I’ve done what I usually don’t do on PC: done some reading on ~~Reddit ~~ Lemmy. So that’s the reason why PC on me is the biggest right now.
I have created some posts too though, and that is more pleasant on a bigger screen and a decent keyboard. But reading and commenting only with no pictures or other files to be added is OK on a smaller screen with a no-physical keyboard 😁 (not that I reply often and when I do, I don’t write that much)
The problem you’re describing has been described countless times before. Plato talks about it at length. It’s literally the basis for 1984.
So, the answer is yes.
The good news is, it’s part of a cycle of revolution and enshitification. Things get bad, the masses decide they’ve had enough, and strike back, things get better for a while, until they follow the same path they did the first time, and the cycle repeats.
Every time it happens, things get a little worse. The relentless march of time and enshitification will gradually consume the planet, until human civilization collapses entirely. Maybe in our lifetime, maybe in 200 years, maybe in a 1000. But some day, all we’ve built will come crashing down around us, because while each individual may have foresight, society does not.
I’ve heard that it’s easier to grow in power or money when you don’t consider ethical questions while rising above others (as long as you either follow laws or don’t get caught while not following them).
And since humans seem to be an animal that corrupts easily (especially when given enough power/money)…
Makes me wonder - when do I corrupt? How? And if/when I will, will I even notice it myself?
I’d argue that each time, things get a little better.
Sure the worst part is always the worst we’ve ever seen, but we take what we learned from that and create new systems. Plan A starts well enough, until money and power corrupt it, it gets bad enough to revolt and now we try plan B. Plan B will eventually corrupt, but, it’s better than plan A ever was. We’re getting closer, but it’s a trial and error process that happens over centuries, so it’s going to take longer than we’ll ever know.
I disagree. The world now is still dealing with issues that technology has eliminated. No one has to be hungry now or thirsty or homeless or sick (mostly). No, now meeting needs is setup behind a paywall with artificial barriers.
I think we’re on the same page actually. Currently, shit is fucked, and it’s well past time for a reset. I’m ready for the next, better (but probably still not quite perfect) system.
Yeah, I tried boost recently since I used it for reddit but I didn’t see any way to browse instance in local mode. I’m still optimistic about making the switch soon.
Not even a day later, and I’ve switched to Eternity, because connects GUI was pretty ugly and upvotes/downvotes weren’t saving/sticking. Haha. Loving it so far and the GUI is much nicer in my opinion.
It’s called corruption and yes every institution eventually becomes corrupt.
The trick isn’t to give up, but to constantly renew the institutions by being present and alive and talking openly about what’s wrong, how to make it better, etc.
It’s more likely an issue with the placement of the stats rather than the data behind it. YouTube probably updated the UI in a way that Return Dislikes is not compatible with.
What I heard is for a good while YouTube still had the numbers on the backend of the website, just hidden, and the extension allowed you to continue seeing it, and continue disliking videos.
However they were planning on eventually removing the functionality althoghther instead of it just being invisible to users.
So assuming that’s what’s happened, then I’m pretty sure it’s gone permanently now.
No, return dislike used their own algorithm based off whether users of return disliked it and then compared that to the total views of the video to give a rough idea of the total number. YouTube gave them jack shit
It's a hack - unsanctioned third party extensions are inherently pretty hackish and just work however they can. They frequently depend on things that can change in unpredictable ways, so breaking with updates is just business as usual.
Assuming the project is actively maintained, there should be a fix available at some point.
Edit: this is assuming they have their own infrastructure, I have no idea if that's true. If things were really relying on hidden but "deprecated" API stuff, like some people ITT say, you could be SoL - they can just remove that at their leisure and it's odd they haven't.
They do have their own infrastructure, the old api was 100% killed a long time ago. Before that happened they scraped and archived as many youtube videos as possible (through a distributed computing effort) now they use a combination of historical data and likes vs views to give a best estimation of the true dislike amount. It has been tested to be close but of course not exact.
This magazine is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.