First step would probably be to decouple healthcare from being company, so people realize how expensive their health plans are and how much they pay for stuff most people don't end up needing. Pretty sure for most people it's more expensive than their single yearly checkup would be out of pocket.
Then, make state-wide and state-owned insurance plans that are capped in profits, so the rates have to match the true cost of things.
Let it simmer for a bit, get people to get used to the idea that the government provided service is actually good and cheaper for once.
Then make it mandatory for every state resident to be covered by it.
The big problem with universal healthcare in the US is the strong individualistic mindset, those that go "but I don't want to pay for other people's hospital bills". Ease all those people that think they'll suddenly be paying way more to subsidize other people's health care into realizing it ends up cheaper because the costs are amortized over way more people. It needs to be spun up as a benefit to them, they're getting a better deal on their health insurance. Because they simply don't care about other people's problems.
One thing that struck me living in the US is just how much distrust there is for anything government operated, even though it's usually the companies they love so much that nickel and dime them. Although seeing how the politics are going right now, I kind of understand that sentiment. And pretty much every company does try to squeeze you out of your money, which makes people want to screw the companies over. Land of the fees.
This time I landed on this cute little page for a married couple that posted newsletters and stuff for family and friends. Basically, they made their own Facebook page and bought a domain with their name and everything, been running it since like the mid 2000s it looks like. Even a whole ham radio section the husband put together. I was enjoying it till it became increasingly clear these two are fairly wealthy and I lost interest.
I paid for it for a few months. I did it mostly to throw them a few bucks because I have heavily used their video calling for years.
The only feature I found remotely valuable was 1080p streaming. My friends and I often do movie night on Discord, and being able to watch full-res at higher bandwidth was nice. I also used the feature that let’s you post longer messages, but I consider that bullshit because that’s just an arbitrary restriction they impose on free users to try and drum up cash.
I’ve since cancelled because I’m unhappy with the features they’ve been using my money on. I don’t care about animated profile gimmicks or crappy video call games. And I don’t like the way they shove them in your face when you open the app.
If you have a tendency to accidentally X out of your entire browser with all its tabs by an errant flick of the mouse, then this site as one of your tabs (need to click one for Chrome, as it notes) will have a popup asking if you're sure you want to close everything, letting you prevent that.
I must clarify one thing though for anyone reading this, it sadly doesn’t prevent browsers from crashing. Sorry to everyone who has Firefox or Opera as their main.
No because it’s a waste of money like Netflix etc. To be fair I saw recently on discord about new features, like pfp animation and looked great, but way way down it was written that I have to pay extra for it after I get Nitro. I wish I could buy it without Nitro. is a website that makes removing backgrounds from photos or artwork a lot easier! I think it uses A.I or something, it’s been super helpful for me a couple times.
I used to years ago, but I haven’t recently. I don’t hate it, I just decided I didn’t wanna pay that much per year anymore - I actually think it’s quite nice that Discord still operates off of people paying for non-essential features instead of paywalling actually useful features.
I did for a while, it ended right when Discord removed its username numbers feature. I used it to get a perfectly rounded-down number at the end of my username, among other things, though there’s not a lot I would use it for that I can’t live with or adapt to. On the topic of Matrix, I’m on both but think Discord is more savvy, and I use this everyday in my server which welcomes all people with friendly warmth and is suited for almost everything you might like.
The first and foremost thing that comes to mind is the wayback machine. It lets you archive and immortalize any moment in a website’s history.
Though I may be cheating a little here because it’s actually a toolbar, another obscure, highly useful “website” is the Hypothesis toolbar. It adds a comment section to any webpage merely by existing.
On Hypothesis, only someone else logged into Hypothesis can comment, if that’s what you mean. If you notice someone on there with the name ThisInstrumentalBreak, that’s me (you may notice me having used it to comment on this thread).
I had free Nitro for a few years because I was a partner. Only ever used it for making my username end in #0001. Nothing else it offers is really that useful, imo. Especially for the price.
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