MobileTechReview ( ), Lisa’s reviews feel the most authentic to me without too much bullshit and they always helped me with my buying decisions.
My favorite channel would have to be Destination Adventure with Dustin Porter. Why this guy doesn’t have 10,000,000 subscribers is beyond me. Not only does he go to some amazing places, but he’s a really gifted videographer. Everything about them is top-notch, and he does it all by himself. The amount of B-roll stuff he gets must be a tremendous amount of work. He picks great music too…
Last chance underwear happen now and again as well but I guess it depends on where the hole is.
I was chilling in my house with my legs crossed (ankle on knee style) wearing just underwear a couple weeks ago. I happened to look down and noticed that my dingaling was hanging out of a hole in my underwear that I didn’t realize was there. Those immediately went into the trash.
One of my kids is currently attending a birthday party at the local trampoline park, so as I’m the driver I’m currently playing chess and writing this post while waiting. By the time I get home it’s time to herd half of my offsprings to bed, after which I have a few beers waiting for me, as well as a savegame in Songs of Syx I started on yesterday.
Oh, and I finally found a replacement wrist band that fits my Garmin watch today, so I’m replacing it at some point during the evening.
No, I am 17 which means I still have to live with parents and among other issues my mom doesn’t allow me to have access to my clothes. So, if I want some, I have to ask. In the end, I can get fresh underwear daily, but the rest only weekly, which isn’t exactly optimal.
Oh, and we don’t have a functional washing machine for years, so it’s not like I could just keep some of my clothes away from her.
I can’t address the situation, but you should know that you can always hand wash limited items if you know you’re going to need them, like a spare pair of socks.
At the bathroom sink, get them good and wet, hand wash with ANY available body-safe soap (hand soap, shower gel, shampoo, even mild dishwashing liquid) by rubbing the soap around in your wet hands to create a lather, and then add that lather to the items, rubbing them all together well between your hands for a couple of minutes. Less is more: don’t use so much soap that you have to rewash to get all the soap out. Use as little as you can. Rinse well, and then look and smell: if they look clean and smell clean, and you got as much of the soap out as you can, they won’t embarrass you. No one will be able to tell you handwashed them when you wear them.
Squeeze as much water out as you can, but avoid wringing because it stretches and can even damage your items. Hang them up over a towel rod, a hamper rail, the side of the tub, or even laid out across a bed or the back of a sofa, using a towel underneath if you don’t want to get something wet (like a wooden chair back) and they will dry completely overnight. Don’t try to dry them in a closet or places with limited airflow. Hand washed items tend to be stiff when you air dry them like this, especially if you’re using non-laundry soap, but put them on and the scratchy stiffness goes away instantly.
This isn’t for every day use, or for endlessly repeated practice, but it absolutely works in a pinch and used to be common practice back when people didn’t have so many clothes and/or their own washing machines. It won’t hurt your clothes at all to do this as long as they are machine washable anyway, and even if you do it repeatedly just try get them into a machine every so often to get the non-laundry-soap buildup out of them. As long as it’s not a special care item, you literally cannot screw it up by handwashing it carefully and rinsing it as thoroughly as you can.
Everyone should know how to hand wash an item of clothing in an emergency, and now you do too.
In a for profit economy; to create an upper class, you have to have an under class. Wealth isn’t created, it’s extracted through exploitation. Rich/Poor. Empire/Colony. Master/Slave.
Wake up! It’s time to wake up America and re-discover our socialist past.
Another thing that’s curious about these lights which also applies to your computer/smartphone display aswell is the fact that it’s able to produce yellow color despite only having red, green and blue leds in it. If you open up a yellow picture on your monitor and look closely with a magnifying glass there’s no yellow there.
Thats another thing I don’t get. Itf you look at your tv screen real close its all red/green/blue. Every pixel/cell, how does it appear different from far away
Human eyes have three kinds of cells (photoreceptors) for color detection. They each react to either red, green or blue light. If more than one of those cells are activated, your brain interprets the light based on what cells activated, and how strongly they activated. If red and green cells activates, the light is seen as yellow. The light is seen as white if all of them activates fully.
This also means that light bulbs can produce white light by simply producing three wavelengths (colors) of light. The problem with that kind of “fake” white is that colors will look wrong under such light due to the way how objects reflects light. This is very common with low quality LED lights, and even the best smart lights aren’t very good at it. When buying LED lights, you might want to look at the CRI (Color Rendering Index) value and make sure it’s above 90, or as high as possible.
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