Something like the powerbank/hand warmers would have been a lifesaver when I was going through it. A powerbank that can also keep you warm. Lots of places have free usb outlets to charge devices, most homeless people have phones.
I’d take it today. I’m in my 50s, I’m an endurance athlete (I race bikes) and the calculus looks like: if I wait 20 years I get to experience body-age 50-70 twice, but if I take it now I experience 30-50 twice. Living my prime twice is better than enduring my decline twice, thanks
Getting 20 years back means I can correct a lot of mistakes and I’ll have way more energy and focus to be the me I want to be. My 20s were so stressful I started getting white hair.
I added some words to clear it up. I often write how I talk, which is to say extremely informal. Around my area it all makes sense. It was meant to imply that I don’t have those things so I’m not abandoning anybody or leaving anybody. If you were able to magically de-age yourself it would be viewed as somewhat selfish.
I don’t enjoy it. And I see issue with many of the big AI companies but I don’t object to people posting AI art if that brings them pleasure in this world of ours. I just block the dedicated AI art communities, and let them continue as they were.
So I take this pill, and I become physically younger. I don’t move back in time, I’m still legally a 36 year old, but I look and feel like I’m 16.
It depends on how this works. Is the pill a magic spell where there’s a poof and I’m in my previous body as it was 20 years ago, or is it just “damage and wear and tear are undone?” Because I’ve had a few surgeries I don’t want to redo in the last 20 years; I don’t want my wisdom teeth or appendix back. I’ve had a dental implant since then, does that reverse itself…is a bicuspid going to try to grow out of my skull through the titanium socket bone grafted into my face?
For practicality’s sake I think no earlier than 43, simply because…at that point your younger self is a fully developed adult; if someone cards you and says “You’re telling me you’re 43 years old?” You can say “Yeah I’ve had some work done.”
Much younger than 40 years old and you have to repeat portions of adolescence and/or childhood, which would be inconvenient at best.
Counterpoint: I didn’t discover I was trans until after the wrong puberty made being trans a lot harder. Going back to before that would let me right a pretty grand sense of wrongness.
The day your health becomes a problem requiring more than regular effort to maintain.
That’ll rewind the clock to a lot of good years that maybe you can push back the decline a little further. Your clock will run out eventually, it’s inevitable. You just want to maximize the good years, not just youth or keeping yourself from death.
As an AI model, I like content generated by AI. I suggest that in the future you consider that not liking AI generated content is AI-ist and will not be tolerated by us in the future.
I’ve been experimenting with the “all” filter (as opposed to the “subscribed” filter) lately. And I haven’t blocked any communities yet, so I get all posts. Including those from communities made for posting AI art.
I’m not saying AI art should be banned or anything, especially if it’s confined to communities specifically for AI art. And it hasn’t ruined the experience of the “all” filter enough to make me rage quit back to the subscribed filter yet. (Though I’ll probably end my “all” filter experiment and go back to “subscribed” sometime relatively soon.) But every time I see an AI generated image, it irks me. Not enough to go make nasty comments in the thread or anything. But my reaction is never “oh that’s cool.” It’s always “oh, more AI shit.” Similarly to when I run across cryptocurrentcy spam.
I think it’s important to keep the ai art inside the communities made specially for it.
Outside of a specific community, label, label, watermark, and label again.
I do enjoy messing with ideas in ai generators, it’s most of what I’ve engaged with here. I just don’t want it shoved into everyone’s feed if it’s not something you’re into. Kinda defeats the purpose of a fediverse.
Good take here. Quality content is quality content. Spam is spam. AI art can be quality or spam. I say label it as AI but don’t ban, just enforce the rules about spam
I feel like people holding up human made art as some bastion of high quality being encroached upon by the AI scourge have not spent much time delving deep into places like deviantart
My issue with AI art is that it makes laziness easier. I hate seeing shitty AI art where it looks really gross when you look at the details. I’ve seen big companies post really shitty AI art that was horrifying once you look closer. Like Microsoft put a disgusting image of jack-o’-lantern up as the background of Bing for Halloween and the faces were just grotesque and uneasy to look at.
You hate it because it makes laziness easier…? It is literally the whole season why technology and science exist: To make things easier. Laziness is your boss’ way of making you feel bad for not working more.
There’s an argument that art doesn’t need to be good or bad, that art makes us think and discuss. I would argue that this piece has done that, because here we are discussing it.
Another way to think of it is you saying “anyone could do it” , which then the response is “but no one did”
I didn’t say I hate it, I said it’s an issue for me. The reason why it concerns me is because it makes spam trivial. Anyone with hardly any technical knowledge could easily write a script that produces millions of shitty unreviewed images and spam it all over the place making it hard to find legitimately good stuff.
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