I don’t think I’ve ever seen coal burn, but you can find pieces of it along the abandoned railways and beaches in my area. We have a coal dock that’s been abandoned for 50 years and the ground is still black with coal dust
Edit: actually a scenic railroad in my area still has a coal fired steam locomotive so yes, I can say I’ve seen coal burn!
This Tamil movie called Chittha that I watched recently. It’s a heavy subject (child abduction, implied child SA, and more), and most of the people I know skipped the movie including my wife and my parents (The movie actually kind of bombed at the box office because of how many people skipped it), but it was a damn good movie. As a father of an 8yo myself, it was a sobering must watch for me that I probably would never watch again.
I loved Sigur Ros when they first broke the scene around 1999. I thought it was so beautiful, and angelic, and weirdly transcendent. I wondered what beautiful poetry was being sung in this mystical Icelandic language I did not speak. Then, I learned that it’s not Icelandic. It’s not anything. It’s a made up language that means nothing. It shouldn’t really bother me, but I felt like I had been tricked, and haven’t been able to get past it.
In fact, reality is not apparently basically rational. Why does anything exist at all? Surely, the trivial solution would be a simpler state of affairs. Why is existence not nothing forever? Why there exists anything instead of nothing (let alone you and me, in particular) does not stand to reason.
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