What country are you using lemmy from?
Me U.S.A. Just country is fine, but if you like you can include city too.
Me U.S.A. Just country is fine, but if you like you can include city too.
yamanii, Brazil
CaioAbreu, Another BR. I’m from Rio
enshu, Netherlands
fievel, Liège, Belgium, Europe
gentooer, Belgium, Ghent. We once made international news because students captured the Castle of Counts (Gravensteen), and we still celebrate it every year.
RandomVideos, Romania
invisible_cunt, Looks like that lemmy is not so US dominated like reddit.
Voyajer, Still a bit over-represented vs world pop
1371113, (edited ) That’s part of the appeal to the other 7.6 billion of us. It’s an international fediverse rather than a US corporate entity. Kinda like how popular forums used to have a link to other popular forums except you can also get a feed from the linked forums. Much better. Will just take time to grow. Reddit took nearly a decade to reach critical mass.
vox, (edited ) Poland (I’m from Ukraine, in here to study)
jaschen, Taipei Taiwan
EnderMB, London, UK
ultra, Bucharest, Romania
PRUSSIA_x86, Ohio, USA
Persen, Slovenia
TheBlue22, Hello, my Slovenian brother, Slovakia sends love
Justas, Make a guess
TheBlue22, Slovakia
ChaoticNeutralCzech, Vieš o nejakej slovenskej inštácii alebo komunite? Občas pozerám českú inštáciu kyberpunk.social a mám tam aj komunitu !DeepWebCZ, ale kvôli obmedzenej federácii nie je veľa vhodná pre hlavný účet, aj keď má zo všetkých Lemmy serverov najkratšiu dobu odezvy.
(Ako sa ti páči moj pokus o slovenčinu?)
TheBlue22, Dosť fajn slovenčina, jedine “veľa” by som vymenil za “moc” a “odezvy” za “odozvy”
Ale inak neviem o žiadnej slovenskej inštancii alebo komunite :/, pravdupovediac som sa ani moc po nich nepozeral.
Lenis_78, Greece! 🇬🇷
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