What do you call this place?
Electric Valley? Wire Canyon? Zap Way?
Electric Valley? Wire Canyon? Zap Way?
DreamySweet, Crunskguloria.
NAXLAB, I like zap way
jcrabapple, Electric Avenue. Let’s rock down to it.
kerrigan778, Down by the power lines
captain_aggravated, That’s a powerline cut.
milicent_bystandr, “Ni”
BigDanishGuy, Pogostickland
CPMSP, (edited ) Cross country ski trail after a foot or two of snow.
weariedfae, Utility cut
Hiro8811, This photo makes me think of childhood
planetaryprotection, Power cut
eltrain123, An electrical easement.
MarioSpeedWagon, High line
Magzmak, Call them the electronic giants to our toddler
Unwind2046, Double Circuit
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