AnUnusualRelic, avatar

George Lucas



starman2112, (edited ) avatar

OP never specified youtubers, just content creators


Yeah, but why George Lucas? I know the prequels weren’t the best, but has he done anything else after them that you’d say is worse?

And the Disney sequels can’t be it since he wasn’t directly involved…

AnUnusualRelic, avatar

He knew what he was doing when he sold to Disney.


Hmmm… sure, but it’s not like he created the content, which is what the question is about…


Dave2D - Not a huge creator, but he lived in a van and made videos mocking other van-lifers who did the glamping thing and only showed the positive side of van life, not the negative side where you poo in a bucket and live in fear of a crackhead breaking into your car while youre asleep in it.

One of the glam-van-life couples broke up and he made a video publically mocking them. Then the girl killed herself. There was a huge shitstorm in the vanlife community and he ended up deleting almost all his content. Now he mostly does fantasy artwork livestreams.

JGrffn, (edited )

Wait, when did this happen? I’ve been subscribed for years now and all I’ve ever seen on his channel are laptop and phone reviews.

stackPeek, avatar

I don’t know what are you talking about… Isn’t he a gadget-related youtuber??

Appoxo, avatar

I think OP miswrote the name.

Agent641, (edited )

I didnt realize there was another Dave2D on youtube.

This is the one I was referring to:…/what_happened_to_dave2d/

(Sorry for linking to reddit)

Why9, (edited )

Haha I was like “that Dave2D? Something’s definitely not adding up!”


Hold up… Dave2D?! THE Dave2D? DAVE LEE Dave2D?! Tech YouTuber Dave2D?!

toasty_mcboost, (edited )

Possibly controversial but… Hot Ones.

I prefer the older videos with less/no post production effects. I tried watching the interview with Elijah Wood but the fading video overlapping, music, zoom ins/outs, the voice echoing, and I couldn’t deal with these stupid transitions. Closed the video and haven’t got back since. The channel has one job and that is to make people eat progressively hot wings but the stupid post production effects ruin the video quality and make the whole interview less engaging. COOL IT SEAN!

Their content is good but how it’s presented is garbage.


I liked it a lot when they had smaller content creators. Do they do that anymore or is it only celebs?

BigBananaDealer, avatar

i think they also got rid of a lot of the really really hot sauces

its mostly just dabomb or last dab that are actually super hot


I feel like Sean’s interviewing has gone down too. He used to be so good about asking unique and interesting questions you wouldn’t hear elsewhere. Now he seems to like to interject his own thoughts and anecdotes, way too often.


I never really enjoyed his interview style, granted I only watched some of the later episodes but it never really got me. Quite monotone voice and very rehearsed feeling questions.


I was a big fan of Illuminaughtii/ Blair Zon for a long time. Now she’s so controversial, other creators make content on her.


Is it “controversial” to be a plagiarist now? Depending on how it’s done, it’s edging on a crime or a full blown crime, rather than controversy. I don’t really think there’s much to make an dispute about.

That said there’s certainly a lot drama about her, not that I’ve looked at any of it. So I am not in the know of anything that’s going on, beyond the plagiarism.


I just started getting into Illuminaughtii when the controversy started. I stopped watching her, but was on the fence because at the time, ONLY drama channels were talking about her. The easiest info to find all had a profit motive for her to be wrong. Now that the issue has expended to a wider area, it’s pretty clear that she is a plagiarist.


There’s a lot of legal stuff and then generally the way she treats people (especially people who were supposed to be her friends, employees or housemates) is pretty controversial, but technically not illegal yet. She tried to take Oz’s house away from him through convoluted legal practices and used her power over him to turn him in to a slave.


The way she treats people isn’t “controversial”, either. Being a shit stain of a person isn’t controversial just because it hasn’t crossed the line into being illegal.

What you mean to say is that she’s polarizing, because she has fans that don’t realize she’s an awful person.


She gives rise to public disagreement, I think she fits the controversial definition as well, but I didn’t realize I was supposed to be pedantic when I comment.




Would you mind elaborating? I never really watched Ethan that often. I thought his show with Hasan was pretty good.

MaxVoltage, avatar

Absolute trash zero effort content. People just watch because they are sooo invested lmao. Losers


Jimmy Dore. Started watching in 2015. He was consistently about progressivism and brought awareness to causes such as Medicare for All. As the channel grew, he slowly became more deranged. COVID came and he found a larger audience spouting anti-vax dog whistles. The channel is now tabloid anti-vax, pro-putin, hot garbage.


You should check out The Majority Report.


AvE. Was cool until pandemic happened, then got extra “conservative”. Couldn’t watch anymore.


This one made me really sad.

I loved his videos. I learned a lot from the disassembly videos.

Then he went all Covid denier as soon as the pandemic hit. I couldn't watch it anymore


I thought AvE was a smart guy who got it.

Then he started praising the trucker convoy for being heroes and it shocked the fuck out of me. It honestly bummed me out.

I told my Dad that I couldn’t watch AvE anymore and he said, “Well his content has been shit lately anyway.”


Yea that fucking sucked, used to absolutely love his boltr videos but then he went political 🤦


Shiiiit i remember. His videos were genuinely fun to watch. It started to go down a bit when he kept ranting about plastic pipes, like it's some wort of conspiracy and copper was the best thing ever. Then covid hit and ooooh boy what an absolute wanker.

umbraroze, avatar

Yeah, basically unsubbed from AvE over this too.

I can't remember who this was, but there was another engineering YouTuber who, during the pandemic, basically twittered about being frustrated with the lockdowns from business perspective and whingled about being scared talking about his political beliefs because apparently being anything anything right of a model leftist is a crucifiable offence in the bird site, according to him. And how the horse paste actually works. I was like "...oh shit, maybe this dude is a magahatter?"


I could kind of ignore it for a while but then he started dabbling in 9/11 trutherism and I had to nope out. At that point the paranoia and politics were infecting and degrading the actual meat of the content.


ThePrimeagen Was cool but now he’s just reacting to programming articles with insane clickbait, especially compared to other programming YouTubers, and talks about things way outside of his core skillset


I really used to enjoy his videos. A lot of insightful talk. It was just programming with an occasional meme. Now it’s 45 minute reaction videos, for a blog post i could have read in 2 minutes


Yeah, he’s mostly first prime react now. I mostly just open his description to jump to the article he reacted to.

Whenever he stream his coding, he went out of his way, way too long also.


Smarter Every Day. Used to be just some amateur prettyboy nerd just geeking out and getting behind the scenes on cool stuff. Then it seems like he run out of cool ideas and money got involved. Last episode I watched, he was hocking some obviously awful aquarium game that he was involved with.

maniel, avatar

yeah, stopped watching when he got a slowmo camera


Really? I think he still makes some really solid content


Why is it always aquarium games?


He does have great content and some great videos still that I enjoy, but it’s also clear he thinks he can understand and make a video about stuff he absolutely doesn’t understand.

The fall for me was when he fronted some random encrypted file sharing startup with very misleading marketing.


Joe Rogan.

Since nobody else is saying it.


To go downhill implies that it was once good.


He was the bomb in phant-uh… Newsradio


I think he’s a good host for engaging and entertaining conversations, if you don’t take him seriously. The problem is he became hugely politically consequential, and he can’t decide if he’s just an everyday moron (ha ha) or a powerful voice with meaningful opinions.


Rooster Teeth and Achievement Hunter - their fall from grace was slow at first. First yet another corporate sellout and Bernie leaving, then the employee scandals - especially Ryan. RvB outlived itself and it was their prime thing. RVBY went downhill after Monty died. The new talent wasn’t as entertaining as the old, and then the pandemic really kicked their ass.


New funhaus, while different, is just as good as old funhaus. Shame they’re moving towards live content.

koolkiwi, avatar

Hate to say it, but Wintergatan and his Marblemachine X. In the earlier days his videos were an exciting mix of mad genius, cool music improv and crafting. Then he became obsessed with making the machine play tight, precise music to a level that is beyond what anybody in an audience would be able to hear, and it became obvious that the machine would never get finished because he was stuck in an improvement loop.


His goal wasn’t to create an art project though, but to create an actual instrument he can use. The artistry stuff and making it look cool was what made MMX a failure. I agree that the MMX videos were still fantastic content, but that thing was doomed.

Tightness: it’s a compound effect of every part, so afaik he’s just trying to make sure each part is as precise as possible, and selecting the most precise / consistent design out of the available choices.

MonsieurKoala, avatar

Yup, one lf the most painful un subscribing I did. He forgot he was making an art instrument and got lost into engineering nonsense that he doesn’t even understand. Under every videos there are people screaming that he is making assumptions that won’t work in the real world and others that are just sad because the magic is gone.

Abandoning the MMX felt like being scammed by a shady Indigogo (can’t imagine how it felt for the patreons) after so much progress and many years of anticipation.

I still check his videos every few months and just randomly watch a few seconds of the videos, his new plans are ridiculous and uninspiring :/.

koolkiwi, avatar

Yeah, pretty much this. Would have been best had he never bothered with 3d printed and manufactured parts as they allow a level of control (or illusion thereof) that would have never been possible with wood. Who cares if you’re losing a couple of marbles during a show (no pun intended), or if the snare drum isn’t tight to the thousandth of a second?


The MMX is not completely abandoned btw, the guys at Musikkabinett are bringing it up to a classmate state

Sure, Martin is not involved, but the machine is the same and the spirit is similar too.

Z4rK, (edited )

The MMX was doomed and not possible to save. It is exactly what it looks like: A cool looking contraption that can make some nice sounds using marbles, but it’s not an instrument you can use reliably in a band. You think it was hard for you to unsubscribe; how hard don’t you think it was for Martin to abandon the MMX? He wished it to succeed more than any of us, and probably abandoned it way too late because of it.


Cinema Sins. Used to be 5 minute videos pointing out continuity errors or over-use of something (Iron Man 2 Bird Bonus Round) but then bloated into 20 minutes of nit picky bull crap.


[](Sustaining Stupidity - Why CinemaSins is Terrible)


There are now Cinema Sins Sins videos, which sometimes make more sense than the actual Cinema Sins video they are commenting on.


Hahahahahahaha that’s great. I have to see this.


EWWCS, Everything Wrong With Cinema Sins. That should get you the channel. I’d link, but I seriously don’t know how to do that with NewPipe


Reject Cinema Sins, embrace Cinema Wins.


I can’t even follow the logic most of the time. It pre-assumes you’ve dug as deeply into the movie as they have and have already moved past surface level continuity errors. Also, it got cringey any time they’d remove points for “hot chick moment” or “liking this scene humanizes our channel”.


Lock picking lawyer.

Used to be a channel about how locks works, how lock picking works, cool locks and shitty locks.

Now it’s just a channel to sell his tools.


I think he’s been incredibly consistent with his videos and don’t find any of his ads offensive or annoying, even though I’ll never buy something. I guess I disagree that the quality has changed. I do feel I’ve seen most content already though and he’s not doing much to keep interest growing.

CaptDust, (edited )

I don’t agree, his techniques and format are still good and though expensive, the covert instrument sets are some of the finest tools I have. If the guy wants to make a buck and offer a one stop shop for the hobby I don’t see the problem.

I guess my only complaint with LPL is seemingly running out of challenging locks, which is more a fault of manufacturers.

altima_neo, avatar

Apparently not just his tools, either. He’s got some partners too, and it started recommending me their videos too. Their stuff is more of the same, advertisements for their store.


Eh, I would have to disagree with this, I have been watching him for a while and as far as I can tell the quality is the same the only difference now days is that he mentions his tools in the videos while picking the locks, so the videos didn't even really get longer.


He’s very much not liked in the lock picking community.

Not only does he push his overpriced tools a lot, most of them are very much not needed. He also puts a lot of focus on specialized car lock picking tools which are expensive at, made for each brand basically, and in a very dubious grey area which is a big no no in that “sport”.

From a purist side there are also a lot of complaints.

fishos, avatar

Agreed. Before it would be “so I made this tool by filing down this other thing, you can probably make one yourself” to “I used this tool that you can get in my shop, and here’s how to pick it with a few standard tools as well…”


I stopped watching when he started covert instruments and immediately realized what every single future video would be like. I was right…


Can’t believe he wants to profit from his hobby. What a piece of shit.


Can’t believe I don’t want to watch advertisements all day

dasgoat, (edited )

LPL mentions Covert Instruments once in his 1 minute video

Day ruined

pants shit in


Man picks lock with skill and tools, not allowed to mention he also sells tools? Shit that would knock out so many YouTubers… LawrenceSystems, NetworkChuck, Level1Techs, pretty much anyone who does electronics or home automation…


I miss Bosnian Bill :-(

ThePowerOfGeek, avatar

This seems to be the prevalent trend with most channels that gain traction. They start focusing more on selling their plushies, clothing, tools, or other shitty branded merchandise, and less on the content that got them there.

Maybe it’s because original content creation is hard work. I get that. But holy shit, when they start hawking their stupid merch hard their credibility just goes down the toilet.


Feels like it’s mostly because there’s not much to talk about anyway, whatever needed to be said has already been said in one of his 1.5k video. I start follow his channel before he established his company, it’s mostly the same and it’s really just about how he defeat the lock. He sometimes still talk about unique lock he find interesting though.

FaceDeer, avatar

Yeah, those unique locks are the highlights I remain subscribed for. He used to dismantle locks more often, but at this point it'd just be more of the same if he kept doing that.

Might be a good idea for him to change up his format a bit to make fewer videos but have them be more of a deep dive into whatever locks he's focusing on, maybe do more of the old "now let's see if we can open this with the leg of a Barbie™ doll and half of an M67 fragmentation grenade" stunt videos. I remember he used to get more experimental with his approaches when there was back-and-forth with Bosnian Bill.


I got into lockpicking and now I love Lock Noob. Covert Instruments aren’t that good either, I would go with Sparrows if I were to start, if anybody else is interested in getting into the hobby.


If you can’t trust a lawyer, who can you trust?


Someone who becomes good at something selling goods/services isn’t exactly what I would consider offensive. Consider the guy who did Mouse Trap Monday videos who is now selling his trap commercially: do you have any idea how long he spent testing and reviewing traps to reach a point where that was viable? I suspect he spent thousands of hours on this.

Level1Techs sell basically the only DisplayPort KVM worth a damn, that’s a pretty great offering to have. They don’t bring it up much but it’s there.


Mark Rober with CrunchLabs. I feel like he’s sold himself into a more corporate world and isn’t producing the same caliber of content he used to.


He’s only good for his glitter bomb videos once a year

meekah, avatar

And even those are pretty repetitive at this point

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