What is an obscure piece of media or videogame that you think nobody else here has heard of?
It could even be a youtube video or movie that you don't think anyone reading this has heard of besides you.
It could even be a youtube video or movie that you don't think anyone reading this has heard of besides you.
imhotep1, In honor of Xmas, I found this video a decade ago, and it is the version I hear in my head every year.
MemphisGuy, I watched Star Blazers every week as a kid.
aturtlesdream, Anna and the appolypse, it’s a fantastic zombie musical with insanely good songs. I have never met anyone in the real world or online who have heard of it (except a few who I forced to watch with me).
Tingle, I was telling people at work about this film a few days ago!
I watched it for the first time a few years ago and it has started to become a Christmas tradition for me.
TAG, (edited ) I watched it and I did not like it, but it is probably that I went into it with the wrong expectations. The entire premise of “musical about a zombie apocalypse” sounded a bit goofy to me and the trailer had the same mood, so I expected a comedy, or at least something a bit tongue in cheek. Instead, the movie is a total downer.
aturtlesdream, Yeah, it’s a bit bleak at the end for sure. But I just loved how catchy the songs were, and the cast was really great. I didn’t know anything before randomly playing it on Netflix, so that didn’t give me any expectations going in
watson387, I just watched this the other night. I was unaware going in that it was a musical, but thoroughly enjoyed it.
BlueMagma, There’s this youtube channel, on which someone does piano fugue improvisations, it is really good, and it has only a few thousand views
Here is an example, but there are more: youtu.be/YLW47a6Jk50?si=6coaJGDotT9B3JU1
There’s also hours long live session during which he improvise many baroque pieces, I listen to it every now and then, and it’s always a blast
Tathas, Strings (2004) movie. It’s a trope-ish fantasy movie, but all of the characters are marionettes. The strings go up to the heavens and are taken into consideration with things like architecture having no roofs, and gates are arches that rise up out of the ground to prevent travel beneath them. Someone gets injured by the string on their arm getting cut, and their arm flops around lifelessly afterwards.
daina, Two movies from the 90s… “Ruben and Ed,” and “… And God Spoke.”
And God Spoke was a revelation the first dozen times i watched it, it was full of tiny little blink-and-you’ll-miss-them moments. Haven’t seen it in years.
Ruben and Ed is just surreal, with at least two scenes that have stuck in my head lo these thirty years.
CuttingBoard, Rubin and Ed is great. I emailed the director 15+ years ago and was able to order a DVD of it. “My cat can eat a whole watermelon!”
TheKracken, The Legend of Alon D’ar. Never talked to anyone who’s played it. I know some people have due to YouTube videos, but it’s not a great game and I ended up beating it because I had nothing better to do.
captain_aggravated, Okay, here’s one: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Action Game. Not the SCUMM engine adventure game made by LucasArts, no I’m talking about the godawful action platformer that Tiertex smeared across every console and home computer of the early 90’s like shit across the handicap stall in the men’s room of a Ruby Tuesday. I knew it as the particularly heinous MS-DOS port but they put it on everything from the Commodore 64 to the Game Boy.
The controls are bad, the mechanics don’t make sense, the level design is bullshit, the enemy design and placement is unfair, the graphics are mediocre, the audio is bad to horrible depending on the port…it has no redeeming qualities.
I hope it’s obscure because lord it deserves to be forgotten. How do you take a white hot license like Indiana Jones and fuck it up so comprehensively?
jordanlund, Temple of Apshai
You’ve never heard of it, and modern RPGs wouldn’t exist without it.
yamanii, Wow, before even Akalabeth
JackiesFridge, I played ToA! A friend and I would wait patiently for 45 minutes whilst it loaded to a Commodore 64 via cassette drive. Only once it finished loading would we find out if it actually worked - if not, load again.
Worth the wait every time.
Zozano, It was a game for PC around the year 2000, I don’t even know the name of it. I’ve been searching for it for years. It’s a point and click adventure game.
The premise is your spaceship breaks down on an alien planet. If you try to repair the ship immediately a giant alien spider will come and kill you.
After searching for a while you end up making friends with one of the aliens and sneak around one of the villages looking for parts.
I never made it past that point.
I highly doubt anyone will know what this is, I’ve tried multiple times on that reddit sub for games people can’t remember.
captain_aggravated, Can you further describe it?
Zozano, Maybe if I dropped acid and was hypnotised, but my memory is quite poor.
PandaPikachu, This sounds like Space Quest. Have a look at this excerpt from a walkthrough and see if it sounds familiar:
“After escaping the Arcada before its destruction you crash land on the planet Kerona. Before you do anything “take off seatbelt”. Look at the pod and “take kit”. This is your survival kit. Look kit and you will find an Xenon army knife and dehydrated water.
“Get out” and walk to the front of the pod. “Take glass”. This is reflective glass that we’ll need later on.
Walk to the right three screens and then take the path that leads up. Follow the path all the way around over a bridge that will crack as you walk on it. A spider droid will drop to the ground at some stage. Just ignore it for now. There are two pillars at the end of the path. Stand between them and you’ll be lowered into the earth by a secret elevator.”
Check out some screenshots along w/ the rest of the walkthrough here: gamerwalkthroughs.com/space-quest-1-walkthrough-t…
Zozano, Appreciate the effort but that’s not it. The game starts with the crash, not on a space station.
Mikina, Nerve Damage, a game that was I think made on a random gamejam, and the whole premise is to make a game that’s actively trying to be as uncomfortable as possible to play, while also getting you into the flow and actually makes you enjoy it.
Unfortunately, I didn’t find how to play it, and it didn’t release as far as I know. I’ve heard about it on some kind of GDC presentation about Innovative/Obscure game design.
While that actually means that someone has indeed heard of, I’ve never met anyone else who got to play it. Or heard about it.
EtherWhack, (edited ) All from the early 90’s…
Life and Death II: The Brain - An old DOS medical game
Deadlock: Planetary Conquest- a competitive SimCity-like game
The Dagger of Amon Ra - A point and click mystery adventure game
Edit: added subtitle to Deadlock and video links
yamanii, Competitive SimCity? How does that work?
Thrawn, Vague memories myself but I think I also remember a friend having it and would also be fair to call it related to something like civilization or master of Orion as a 4x type. Would have to go check it out again to see if I’m right or just mixing memories with other games we played around that time.
EtherWhack, Found a rather good video explaining the game and gameplay: (I completely forgot the name has a subtitle. Adding to my comment)
undeffeined, (edited ) Maybe someone here will help me find a song that I listened to with a friend (and danced a lot) during a summer in the late 90s.
It was an electronic dance song which featured a a very raspy male voice singing in Spanish and would ocasionally make the “pull snot from the throat and spit” sound.
My friend and I have been for years trying to find it to no avail… :(
ook_the_librarian, That sound is often termed hocking a loogie. Sorry I can’t help with the more meaty part of your comment.
undeffeined, Today I learned, had no idea how it was called in English :)
klemptor, Do you mean the Macarena?
undeffeined, There’s spitting in the macarena? I don’t recall that.
EnderMB, Decades ago, my dad bought a PC that came with a free CD for a game called Retribution. The box art looked unlike anything I’d ever seen before (basically 3D graphics at a time when the Mega Drive reigned supreme). Sadly, the disc didn’t work, but I’ve tried to get my hands on a copy, to no avail.
Looking at the graphics now, they weren’t even that good…but for the mid-nineties for a small child, absolutely amazing.
NaoPb, Is this it? www.myabandonware.com/game/retribution-2vc
Might be able to play that these days with DOSBox.
eddanja, I remember playing Big Sky Trooper for the SNES which was about killing the alien slugs and you had to navigate the solar system.
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