I’m the only one who is into dank memes and chatting online with strangers.
My siblings are into video games… But not the same ones I am into.
My siblings love D&D; I prefer Shadowrun. (I mean. I like D&D too but not as much as Shadowrun)
My sister is taking game design classes; but has never actually programmed (even for a class yet). Meanwhile, I have a ton of mods I’ve made for various things up on Steam workshops and the Nexus, as well as programming a few utilities for tabletop games. Because I like it and taught myself for the fun of it.
Pretty much everything. The only people I can really talk to about my hobbies is a friend I talk to maybe once every two weeks. Even then, it’s hard getting a word in
rpg and video games. unless you include stupid phone games. honestly anything considered nerdy/geeky from the past except for what is totally main stream. Like they use computers and have see super hero movies and animated movies. Honestly im pretty sure if work did not require it they might not use computers outside of smartphones.
Electronics, radiantism (HAM radio operation) and programming. for the first two i’m actually the only one in my town; which is sort of heplful for electronics since people bring broken equipment to me that i either fix or scrap for parts; while it is kind of a bummer for radiantism.
I play tabletop RPG games, and everybody I’m related to, parents, my brother, aunts and uncles, cousins, all think it’s silly and won’t ever touch a set of dice.
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