
Replaceable batteries, real keyboard, headphone jack, notification light

Bytemeister, (edited )

Sounds like what you want is a netbook.


Real keyboards where overrated, swiping is so much quicker. My s22ultra now lights up around the intire edge so again better than a single light. I have had this phone for over a year now and never even noticed it no longer has a headphone jack until lookingfor one at this moment. I will agree with the replacement battery as I would have continued using my note 5 and then my note 9 if the battery hadn’t worn out.

Hamartiogonic, avatar

Yeah swiping is nice if it exists in your language. Seems like a basic feature, but Apple doesn’t mind being 10 years behind everyone else. Still waiting for that awesome swiping feature to roll out. Probably not going to happen any time soon.


But imagine notification light on the back, or just look at the nothing phone (though that’s a bit much, which is why we need options)


Ya, after reading a bit about the notification light and thinking back to older phones, I’ll agree. The edge lighting is neet but not continuous. It also does not change color depending on the type of notification. A back version is also a good idea.


Real keyboards where overrated, swiping is so much quicker.

And, ignoring the comma-splice, I see where the accuracy fails.


I have had this phone for over a year now and never even noticed it no longer has a headphone jack until lookingfor one at this moment

Why do you believe your use case and your habits are a relevant argument against the necessity of the jack? People who want it actually use it, what difference does it make if you personally don’t need it?


My phone is 4 years old and this sounds like a horror story to me. I have no idea what I’m going to do next.

vlad76, avatar

Replace the battery and use it for 4 more years.


My issue is that I no longer get updates for a over a year now, I’d be happy using it until it no longer works otherwise.


Might be able to get a more updated ROM, idk if Xda is still the best place for that kind of thing or not.


I had to use my Moto G5s Plus again for 2 weeks when my current phone (Poco X3 Pro) was broken. It made me realize how usable it could still be, it’s just that the battery is basically dead. Also the micro-USB connector is so worn it doesn’t work with some cables anymore, and it is soldered-on. Well, OK, there’s a few more problems. It only has 32GB of storage, screen gets burn-ins within 3 minutes now, the main camera’s focus is mostly non-functional (it just makes weird noise while shaking the view, but if you hit it just right it can be used), it’s very laggy, it keeps losing cell signal,…

OK, it does have a few more issues, but I could still use it if both the micro-USB and battery were fine. The bezels and navigation button/fingerprint scanner are a large enough positive. But I can’t do micro soldering. I don’t even have money for a soldering heat gun…


Man I did this to my S10, forgot, dropped it in water. Bummer. I wanted to have it at least 5 more years.

TheInsane42, avatar

I’m still using my '18 Nokia 6.1 and '16 Samsung Tab S2 8". As phone I see no alternative apart from fairphone, haven’t found an alternative yet for the 8" tablet. (There are no 8" left it seems)

Main tablet is a Lineage running Samsung Tab S5e, no alternative found for that. No 10" (or slightly larger) tablet that has an alternative rom. (Or one I can start developing for with another device as base)


Headphone jack. Next to my bed is the one good Bluetooth headset, the two crappy backup sets for when it is charging, and the gigantic earmuff yardwork set for when the good one is still charging and the 2 shit ones have already died.


Just buy a dongle and you can use regular headphones.


Counterpoint: Put it inside the phone, where it belongs.


Fun fact - mobile phones didn’t have 3.5mm jacks until very recent times.


Does it actually belong in the phone? Putting the adc chip outside the phone gives the opportunity to upgrade your sound rather than depend on what the manufacturer bundled or even screwed up. (Nexus phones were notorious for bad headphone output.)


Every single phone I’ve owned dongles stop working eventually while charging still works fine.


Get the Fiio BTR5. It costs about $100 and has Quad-DAC from ESS just like one used in flagship LG phones. It can switch between Bluetooth and USB inputs, so you can use standard headphones to do phone calls wirelessly for example.


Just buy a dongle

Soooo sick of this “let them eat cake” bullshit.


That’s gotta be the slowest charging imaginable. 0.00001 Watts?


A lot of what I’m seeing here is included on my Sony Xperia.

Headphone jack, notification light, SD card.

I do miss having a replaceable battery like my older LG phones had and stereo fromt-firing speakers like my HTC One M8.


Replaceable battery is gonna be mandatory for phones in the future so that’s good.


I love the Sony phones. If they sold the Xperia 5 V in my market (or even if the global version was compatible with my carrier’s G5 bands . . . ) I would probably buy it in a second. They seem to be deliberately betting on only releasing the 1 V in some wealthier markets though (likely because the 5 V would undercut demand) – but I refuse to spend 1 V prices with only a couple years of guaranteed updates.

Sony phones though are by far my favourite on the market these days, and it’s a shame that they aren’t more popular (or have enough developer interest to have LineageOS support).


This is why I still buy Sony. If they don’t change this, plus add replaceable batteries, which they have to… most is good.

Still miss FM radio, though.

And double tap to wake.


IR blaster in phones


Xiaomi phones have IR blasters on new models. Good thing when you lose remote somewhere between wall and sofa 😊


If you are looking for something to set up at home then you can buy one of those hockey puck looking things. They connect to Wi-Fi and you can teach them a set of IR commands that they can repeat.


Those tiny solar cells calculators used to have


Recent phone do not have notification light? I am still using my phone from 2019 and it has it.


What modern gadgets? All that’s left are cell phone tracking devices


I miss buttons. This message was brought to you by fat thumbs.

Reverendender, (edited )

That is exactly the clip I was hoping it would be.


Jebus, Simpsons really have done everything.


I wish there were smart phones with those little slide out keyboards like on some older phones, like a blackberry keyboard but slide out so it’s hidden unless you are actively wanting use it. And forward, back, play buttons for music and podcasts without having to eff around with the screen and unlocking and stuff.


While the LED notification light was awesome, it is something that I don’t really need. I also don’t need a removal battery because my battery life has been extremely good and I’ll replace my phone before the battery goes bad. I don’t need wireless charging. My phone had that years ago but it’s kind of a gimmick, especially when a phone can charge up in about an hour and a half from dead. I don’t need a 3.5 mm headphone jack because I don’t use wired headphones, I have Bluetooth headphones but they rarely get used.


I’m glad that you’re the only person who buys the entire global supply of phones then.

It’s not like some people might be harder on phone batteries and need to replace them sooner, or enjoys just setting their phone down to charge it, or has expensive non-BT headphones they want to use because BT compresses the audio and BT mics are absolutely horrible compared to even dollar store earbuds.

But, as we established, those people don’t exist because you are literally the only person on this planet that uses a smartphone, so the entire global market can cater to your use cases and no one else’s, and it’s great they have gotten rid of all those features just for you.


I never recall saying that my use case was everybody’s use case. I was just stating that sometimes things like this are fine for some people like myself. People like me are in the minority yet you made the assumption I was speaking for everyone. Options are always better. I wish the modular phone came to be.

Tier1BuildABear, (edited ) avatar

Headphone jack, bigger batteries, front facing speakers, SD card slot, IR blaster, magnetic field to let you use your credit cards at check out from your phone (MST) - THROUGH THE ACTUAL CARD READER SO THEY DIDN’T NEED GOOGLE/APPLE/SAMSUNG WALLET WHATEVER THE FUCK. I also agree that I miss the light too lol

That said, here’s what I can’t stand in newer phones: camera bumps. Unless you’re a droid x or Nexus get that rocking on any flat service while I’m trying to type shit outta here. I don’t give a shit about my cameras but if they need to be that fat and advanced, just make the rest of the phone that fat and give me the extra battery instead of making a tiny stovetop in the corner. Fuckin weird and dumb. Also camera cutouts in the screen, put that shit under the screen or set it next to a front facing speaker on the bezel. Also bezel-less phones, I know we’re trying to fill our phones with screens but my fat palms don’t care about that when I’m accidentally touching everything on the side while holding it


Never knew there was something like a ‘magnetic field’ how did that work?

Tier1BuildABear, avatar

It was MST, I know some Samsung phones had them, and it was used at credit card checkouts for stores that don’t have the nft/tap to pay. As far as I know it literally spoofed the magnetic field your credit card makes, so the credit card reader would think you swiped it. Super handy at stores that aren’t caught up with the tech when you didn’t have your wallet lol


This comment covers it all perfectly


I was going to mention the IR blaster. I had one on my LG G4 & G5 if I remember correctly. It was so cool! I was so bummed when they stopped having it.


What was it for?


You can control everything support IR controller(receiver) with that. Like TV or window AC unit


That’s really cool!


Yep I totally miss having an ir blaster in my phone. Specifically for the air conditioner.

Also. Imagine having a universal controller in your pocket at all times.

TV at the bar? TV at the dentist?

Ooohhh the hijinks…


Changing the channel on tvs in public spaces mostly.


Anything that takes an IR signal most commonly TV remotes but had other applications as well


Some phones still have em, most Xiaomi phones do but then you gotta put up with their software or be comfortable flashing a custom ROM.

I love having an IR blaster in my phone mostly cause my work doesn’t trust us with air conditioning remotes but also I never have to stress about finding the right remote for everything since I’ve got anything I might interact with daily that uses an IR remote programmed into my phone.



That’s not an issue, I’m assuming you mean the establishment didn’t need it, but just to cover my bases I’ll give you both scenarios:

  • either you’re talking about your phone needing an app, which was still the case for the magnetic card thing, but I doubt you were talking about this.
  • or more likely, you are talking about the place you’re paying needing a new PoS for receiving NFC based payment. In this case the issue is from the retailers trying to get another cut of the money by making you go through their app, when they can receive that payment via tap to pay which is also a thing on new cards, I have used them both in my country without any issue because we don’t have those ass backwards retailers, there’s an issue of the person taking payment being unaware and trying to enable another mobile based payment method instead of just setting it to card based payment.
Tier1BuildABear, avatar

I’m talking about MST, which was actual hardware on the phone used in conjunction with software to fool card readers into thinking you swiped the actual card, even if they didn’t support nft. It was super handy and easy for the shops that haven’t upgraded yet.…


I know, but that’s not really an app issue, that would be equivalent to complaining about cards without magnetic strip which only rely on NFC. It’s a result of new technology and not some bad idea trying to do things in a different way. It’s like complaining about touch screen tech because you can’t do things the exact way you used to on flip phones.

Tier1BuildABear, avatar

That’s like saying it’s ok that they removed the headphone jack because Bluetooth is newer technology? And I know it’s not an app issue, I was complaining about a hardware removal? I’m so confused after this comment lol


The magnetic thing was only ever a Samsung thing and it wasn’t as secure as NFC, NFC works basically the same as the thing you’re talking about, its only flaw would be that it doesn’t work with the old style card readers.

Tier1BuildABear, (edited ) avatar

I never claimed otherwise? OP asked what a nifty feature on old gadgets was that’s not on newer gadgets, and I said that. That’s an old feature that’s not on newer gadgets, and it was very handy at the time because very few stores had adopted tap to pay. Would it be AS handy today? Certainly not, but there have still been times I’ve missed it when a store doesn’t have tap to pay.

Yes it’s outdated. Isn’t that the whole point of everything in this thread??? I just keep getting more confused lol

Edit: to clarify, the phone I had had BOTH MST and NFC. NFC had actually already been around and MST was the new thing at the time. It was simply a cool additional feature.


I suspect that the magnetic feature you desire is pretty unique to the usa. Anywhere else I’ve been in the world was chip or tap. Swiping the card would throw an error to use the chip only. So that country is just really far behind.


the magnetic feature you desire

… Sounds like standard NFC for tap-to-pay.


I was so frustrated when we switched to chip cards in the US, but did chip and signature, instead of chip and PIN like the rest of the world. WHY WHY WHY!?

Tier1BuildABear, avatar

The US was actually one of the first places the feature was removed, because (according to Samsung) there’s not really a need for it anymore since so many places adopted tap to pay so early. So we are actually just too far ahead in that regard for my taste lol. It’s also probably good to note that I haven’t seen this feature since the S20. (Also I definitely think Samsung exaggerated that and it was just cheaper to get rid of).

Still a very handy feature that I miss, there’s ALWAYS places you go that are still behind tech-wise XD

starman2112, (edited ) avatar

100% of this. It’s not just that I don’t need the screen space, it’s that my hands are not capable of holding my s22 without touching the screen because they had the fucking stupid idea to wrap the screen around the sides. I’m convinced the engineers at samsung are running an experiment to see how fucking stupid their phones can get without losing sales.


My current phone has all the things you listed except MST (never heard of that before though), and I bought it specifically for those reasons. Made by Xiaomi who still seems to want to give users features for some reason. Unlocked, rooted, custom rom, the whole shebang, I’m very happy with it.

It does still have a small front camera hole and a big back camera bump, but I don’t mind those personally. Though I do wish the camera bump wasn’t off centre. And like someone mentioned, I do wish it had an indicator led somewhere.

Tier1BuildABear, avatar

Oh dang, I might have to check it out!

justlookingfordragon, avatar

My personal pet peeve is pre-installed, un-removable software and apps. My current mobile phone for example has apps that link to twitter, facebook, amazon etc. none of which I will ever use, but you can somehow not delete them. Why do I need to have that virtual junk in my phone?


Especially when they can be DISABLED, but not UNINSTALLED. Grinds my gears.


Honestly this irks me to no end. We now have thousand dollar phones with all the speed, Ai capabilities, design, cameras, speakers, etc. Everything you could’ve wanted at its best in terms of performance, picture and camera quality, AI features… Except now you’re missing headphone jacks, replaceable batteries, Ir blasters, SD cards, extra Sim slots… Like, really, a thousand dollars for a phone and it has less features than a 200 dollar phone? Less features than phones from 6 years ago? Why the fuck have we sacrificed so much?? We had the chance to have a long golden era of long lasting, everything capable phones, but instead we’re stuck with boring bricks that do less than before, last less due to batteries wearing out, and come bloated with shit that you don’t need and can’t remove.

We seriously need some phone company out there to spec the fuck out of a high end phone with all these features, AND which meets GrapheneOS requirements and lets us flash the phone with whatever the fuck we want. We’ve gone completely backwards on phones, and it’s becoming more and more pointless to upgrade, you’re just changing phones for the batteries these days.

Tier1BuildABear, avatar

I miss htc lol, the One was PERFECT at the time, and I remember Loving the Nexus 6P as well


htc lol, the One was PERFECT

PRC agents loved you having it too!

GnomeKat, (edited ) avatar

You are like those old people who complained “hay is for horses” lol

What are you getting out of policing harmless language

Tier1BuildABear, avatar

Well I haven’t owned one since college, but I was a cell phone salesman, so I loved it too. And I’m glad I already knew about that and used a comma as punctuation after “lol,” but thanks for the info I guess? Fair warning, this is the Internet, and you might run into more people like me :o

WookieMonster, avatar

I miss tether points. We have these super expensive, slippery devices and we have to stick something like a pop socket onto them to be able to get a good grip on them. I used to have these little dangly thumb loops that if I dropped my phone, it would just dangle there instead of slamming into the ground. It’s very minor, but I don’t understand why they don’t have them anymore.


Oh damn I want one now. I’ve gone caseless since my last case disintegrated and I really prefer it this way now. But a tether would be a welcome addition.


I am sure it’s because phone companies don’t want to deal with designing, manufacturing, design defects, warranty claims if it fails, etc.

I do wonder if it can’t be done better with programmable magnets, locking one of those in place from the bottom of the device might be interesting.


You you mean electropermanent magnets?


Idk if that’s another name for them, but what I meant was polymagnets


Those use arrays of electropermanent magnets

SnipingNinja, (edited )

Aah cool, interesting

Edit: let me pick your brain regarding them as it seems you know more about them, is it feasible? What I described that is


A lot of cases have those still, plus industrial some phones have it built in

Donebrach, avatar

That just triggered a memory of my old dumb phone and its little dangly “hello kitty in samurai armor riding a tiger” charm. I don’t really care that current mobile devices don’t have those tie off points because as others have stated you can get cases that include them but thanks for reminding me of that old bauble.

TheInsane42, avatar

I miss the home phisical button and back/menu touch ‘button’ on tablet and phones. Having to swipe down from the top, then press the right symbol at the bottom before they disappear again is a mess.


just use swipe navigation, there’s a great great reason there’s no need for buttons and you’re just ignoring it


Swiping doesn’t feel as positive and tactile to me as hardware buttons did.


Definitely try the “swipe” navigation. I had no idea the other (old?) navigation scheme existed as it has probably been a decade now. I vaguely remember one of my old phones introducing it, and that was the end of the buttons on the bottom. Did the non-stock versions of Android not do that?

I still miss buttons, but with how tall/wide the screens are, the question is where do you put them. I really need to try and get a smaller phone once this one dies…


By far replaceable batteries. You used to be able to purchase physically larger and higher capacity batteries to get insane battery life, but because they would include a larger rear plastic for the phone it would still look normal. Now we have to waste space and lose efficiency with external power banks.


Thank you European Union for creating a law mandating replaceable batteries.


Thank you regulatory capture for letting corporations rule the globe like kings


At least the EU is bringing back easy battery swaps for users, so that’s something to look forward to.

Donebrach, avatar

Pretty sure phone cases with external batteries exist that are literally identical to what you are describing (“purchase physically larger or higher capacity batteries”). Also current phones do a lot more than the old phones you’re describing as “having insane battery life.” Sure, a cell phone of 2005 could be left on for probably two days straight without needing a charge but you were only getting an occasional text message and maybe calling someone once or twice and maybe playing Snake during that timeframe.


External batteries are not the same as there is substantial loss in transmitting the power to the phone, particularly with the many “magsafe” compatible wireless ones. The wired ones add substantially more bulk for similar battery size and although the standard for battery life is much better now, for many otherwise great phones it’s still not amazing (aka every pixel prior to this year’s).

Being able to quickly swap a battery or simply replace it with a 10000mAh cell for only a few mm more thickness (my preferred method) simply isn’t an option now.

moitoi, avatar

Snake, I spent way too much time on it.

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