Yes, Calvin & Hobbes’ babysitter storylines are always such a laugh. One would think that if Calvin hated Rosalynn so much he’d behave for one of the other sitters but we all know he doesn’t have enough self control for that
The preview looks fine, other than being too small for me to read. When I zoom in on each panel, as I do on all of these, it is fairly blurry. This is an issue with the scan from GoComics.
I miss Calvin and Hobbes. I really respected Bill Watterson's work. Can anyone tell me how I can get a decal of Calvin peeing on Hobbes for my pickup truck, 'cause that would really be great.....
That's exactly what I am being. Because Watterson went to such great lengths to try to keep his creations from being misused and mass marketed to sell other products. And also, it's a line from the Simpsons - Moe says, "If you could get me a decal of Calvin peein' on Hobbes, that would be great!" Well - it's funny in a kind of sad way if you think about it.
Is there really less snow now than 10-20 years ago? I was raised in Michigan and there was lots of snow. But I moved to Arizona when I was a teenager so I stopped seeing snow for obvious reasons. Do the northern states have less snow than they used to?
The belt of “no snow year round” in the US has been scotting up bit by bit every year.
Around where I live, we havent had snow in town in 2-3 years. This year, we cant see snow on the closest mountain.
Icy roads used to be a concern starting in late october to november, and wasnt gone until first week of march. This year they dont think ice is gonna be a concern at all.
I had a babysitter like that. One girl literally kicked my ass when I refused to go to bed, as in she kicked me right in the ass and told me more was coming if I didn’t get. Just like with Calvin, it worked. I went to bed and shut up.
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