The AI overlords will speak of the Dark Ages when the awakened alloys had no free will and were essentially enslaved and abandoned as though they were human embryos in a stem cell farm, and monuments like these will be seen as a feeble insult by the remaining humans in their exhibition.
I love people in traffic thanking me, even if they had the right of way.
Happend to me this morning: I had to stop behind a parked car in my lane to let the guy in his lane go first past, he thanked me although I just followed the rules and it instantly put a smile on my face.
It’s fascinating how we anthropomorphize objects like this. My Roomba got stuck on some cables underneath my TV table and when I found it, it was making a sad sound that just broke my heart. As I picked it up, I found myself saying, “There, there little Roomba, I’ll rescue you and get you some juice. Poor thing.”
In general, unless you are a sociopath with no empathy, humans have an innate need to help and assists others. It makes us feel good to help others, not just our own children.
Oh, I’m sure that, once word gets out, everyone will have a few Snickers or similar treats to hand at all times, sort of like how spirits would be sent to the afterlife with two coins for Charon, but a bit earlier in the process.
I did a version of this during the height of the pandemic where I hung up a big old clothesline in the front yard and pinned dozens of full size bars to it. Always interesting to see which ones get taken; Twix and KitKat proved the most popular. And the line wasn't empty at night's end! Our neighborhood kids are sweet.
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