Yeah, a tie is the one single item of clothing I simply cannot sleep in. Suit? Uniform? Body Armour? No issues. Add a tie and it just gets on my nerves too much.
I’m sorry, but the committee will have to deduct a “self-awareness” penalty from your “excuse-making” bonus. Please feel free to alternate between lashing out and apologizing in the space below:
I have a question. I also have BPD. Every time it comes up online, all the discussion is around “avoiding toxic BPD people” and “how to cut off family members because of their BPD.” Are there any good resources for someone who wants to… not, be so much of a burden??
Look up mindfulness. It helps you to be more mindful of your actions and emotions. This should help you. Please remember that it’s skill that gets better the more you use it.
I’ve known several men who were severely fucked in the head, and they could’ve gone to a psychiatrist or a therapist, but they were too proud. In the worst case, the guy committed suicide. Depression is no joke!
I would also iterate to the other side, that sometimes people going through depression or the like may feel embarrassed or shy about exposing their pain. As it may make them close off even more, so you don’t want to be too “helpful” and force it.
Keep in mind that a lot of times people aren’t really needing any advice or anything but just need an ear to air out their problems. Also, if you are wanting to give advice, try to be less; “you should…” and more “have you tried…”
Depression is a very, very touchy subject and needs to be handled with a lot of care.
My insurance runs out at the end of the year. I’m going to die a slow and painful death without medicine that costs $3,000 a month. Suicide is looking pretty appealing, but people go on the whole “You can and deserve XYZ” spiel whenever I talk about it. Like, bitch, if I deserve XYZ then give it to me. Otherwise, you’re just doing mental health slacktivism.
I remember when I had a weak strain of COVID (barely any symptoms except for achiness all over, slight stuffiness, brain fog, and trouble getting enough oxygen). Even without doing anything, I was tired enough at the end of the day to sleep about 9-10 hours straight.
I wouldn’t want to have a stronger strain, and I hope you get better soon.
I woke up the other night and turned on the light and my cat immediately ran over to my bed and stared intently at the corner above my head. She does this a lot randomly and I laughed until I looked up and saw the two-inch long cockroach sitting there.
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