Sure, God could just make more money appear but think of the effect on the economy. His son completely disrupted the loaves and fishes business that time and look what they did to him.
The Almighty, All-Powerful, All-Knowing needs MONEEH! To grease the palms of politicians! It’s the only way!
So remember, all you little old ladies out there, at least once a week to take out your pocketbook and make out that check to me, The Almighty Himself, through one of His authorized agents on the radio and the teevee.
And get this latest round pro-gun, pro-oil legislation to go through! Oh… anti-gay, anti-minority, anti-evolution, I meant to say. That’s what’s important, right? That’s what y’all want. It’s a common cause for extreme alarm that y’all share with me, The Almighty Himself, through my authorized regional executives, as seen on Faux News and iHeartMedia on your AM radio dial.
We can’t know that for sure. Maybe Kate brought that sweet little frosty mofo home and took really great care of it, only threatening it to perform verbally from time to time as an after dinner show for guests, and to keep it in line before it becomes sentient.
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