In the event of an apocalypse and you do happen to pack a great bag of actual essentials … someone bigger stronger and with a gun is going to murder you for it.
Are they? I’ll admit, my experience is limited but it’s seemed to me even pistols are a considerable weight, especially compared to other survival/camping supplies.
Yeah, if you’ve ever done some serious hiking you know you wouldn’t want to haul around a gun. Also, imagine being in a shootout while wearing a massive backpack.
1.5 lbs, loaded, on average. Even I overestimated by quite a lot but it still wouldn’t have made a major difference.
How the hell heavy did you think guns were? Were you adding on the mental weight of being able to easily take a life? Because that traditionally does convert to mass very readily.
Depends what you consider considerable. For example Glock G19 is 855 g (30.16 oz) with a full magazine, to me that doesn’t seem much. Especially if you consider how valuable of a tool it could be. Hopefully you’d have at least twice that weight in water alone.
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