I tried one of these at a new Korean street food place in town. The jizz is like fucking frosting. Who the hell wants sugar on an egg sandwich? It was disgusting.
I really like Thai, drain, blot dry (it’s never actually dry) dust with rice flour, fry, serve with a Tamarind based sauce. Crispy outside, smooth inside, the Tamarind sauce is acidic and sweet, sometimes a little hot.
I had never seen tofu served like this until last week when I found a Korean recipe that looks like it’s probably similar. I was excited to try it for dinner in a few months when it’s warmer out. Yours looks really good!
Wood works much, much better for putting the pizza in. The dough sticks badly to metal, in my experience. But metal is much easier to use for moving the pizza and taking it out.
I use metal, but make sure it’s slotted otherwise you cake your dough up with flour/semolina/cornmeal. My personal go-to is semolina. You don’t need much and excess falls away more readily than flour.
Wood or metal, it’s more about technique at the end of the day.
I’ve done prime rib both ways and reverse sear (low cook temp, rest, 500 for 10 min to brown) resulted in a much less gray banding. My stepdad did 500*X min for years and it’s still good, you just get more uniformly cooked meat with reverse sear.
That’s the Kenji way. Dry brine reverse sear is how I do most meat these days. Smaller cuts get seared in a pan, roasts and prime rib get blasted under a preheated broiler as high as my oven will go. And yes, always use a thermometer.
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