They're bad for you. (

reminder (

When you see it (

History book recommendation (

Rebecca as the long cat. (
Do-over (

Remember me (

Stop, minions of darkness! (

fart silencer is quality shitpost (

Batman Inspirational Quotes (

And they say Hemingway had the best 6 word story... (

What's the difference between Jesus and a prostitute? (
The sound they make when you’re nailing them.

Mama what you done? (

Cats can't do any wrong (

Wow! Just what I asked for! Thanks, Grandma! (
CyberPunk Santa is coming to town (

Before starting your daily practice routine, read and seriously consider the following (
via here; text is here

Fallout: Neutron (

Always was (

He knows (

Has there been a better flavor? (

ProtoTwitter (

Uplift the creatures (

Sleigh bells ring, are you listening? (