There’s like ultrasonic cleaning machines for glasses they’re pretty great. For me getting my glasses clean properly takes forever, if I had such a service near me I’d probably use it sometimes (as it is I just don’t bother properly cleaning them and just wipe them occasionally)
TIL I walk like this since forever. I didn’t know it had a name. The guy is pretty realistic, my friends laugh their asses off when they see me walking from a distance.
When I worked IT, I went to a local fire station and said I was there to update their computers. The person I talked to didn’t seem to know that this was scheduled, but they led me to their office with the computers and showed me how to log on. I’m pretty sure they just assumed I was telling the truth because I spoke confidently and was wearing a polo, but I could have literally been anyone.
Now now, be nice. I’m not into it myself, but every furry I have met in my life has been a decent person. They just have a kink. That’s cool with me. If you find pleasure in wearing a costume, wear a costume.
They wanted those kids to go at a concert and “spread the gospel” to people who paid to be there. Not sure about you, but I know I wouldn’t take that well.
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