Goodbye MatPat, thanks for everything (
Surely you can't be serious. (

They don't even know the song (

his ham (

I dont understand why I have to bring a bottle to the restaurant (

#интересное (
Fuji-san and its reflection on the rice paddy

#интересное (
Night on Baikal

What's up doc? That's a very oink carrot you got there, doc? (

Poseidon why (

An elegant drill for all tasks (

When she's crying over a guy (

Niko it's your cousin (
edit: finally at the computer and able to NSFW tag this sorry guys bowling is explicit these days!
Friendly Reminder (

A murder at the church (

Sorry guys (

Video games are a worse influence than I thought! (
Next year's Christmas gift for that person in your life that you hate. (

Pink Chicken (

magic (

A message to you all. (

#забытое (
Новогодняя елка на площади 50-летия Октября, Москва, 1976 год.

Can't block admin? (

When nobody shows up but you don't let that "party" sized bag of chips go to waste (
Flowers become incels due to climate change. (
cross-posted from: