The only reason I knew it was M.A.S.H. was the font/color.
In this case, I don’t feel too bad being missed. Keep your head down and stay out of the news :)
That said, I watched Theorists with my tween. Kinda sad seeing MP go, but not as sad as MP was.
I expect the channels will go tits up without his personality. The new hosts are pleasant but honestly unremarkable. The show was far less about the content and more of his performance. If you thought the idea was crap, you subliminally blamed it on him. There are plenty of other personalities out there doing what they’re doing and almost all of them go on unknown because they don’t have screen chemistry.
Wait why is he stopping making YouTube videos? I didn’t know he was leaving lol. The other 2 were sad but I wasn’t super into blues clues. I was like a year or two too old for it once it was really popular. Seeing him come back recently was nice. My dad was super into mash though.
I‘m a millennial but too… old? Annoyed by it? to have watched blues clues other than by accident while playing Gameboy. According to Google it aired from 1996 to 2006 here, which means that I was ages 2 to 12. It was just too dumb for me. Matt Patt on the other hand, I watched it grow since its start in the golden era of YouTube, the. I stopped when the dark ages started at around 2017-ish. Now I‘m sad that I didn’t do anything good in my life until May of last year.
You’re on the tail end of Millennial, and it definitely sounds like you were the target age for Blues Clues. I’m right in the middle of the Millennial years and I was 9 when that show came out, so I only know it as that thing my friend’s little brother watched. I have more feelings about MatPat leaving, even if I stopped watching years ago. Point is, I don’t think this meme is very accurate.
Still watched and liked MASH in my country in 90s as a kid (although not my choice) enough to introduce my wife to it a year ago and she enjoyed it too, having never heard of it. No clue what the other 2 things even are.
I wish I could claim I wasn’t from the US because its embarrassing to live here right now, but I am. Never watched a single episode of blues clues, it was popular when I was in high school.
It’s from Nickelodeon it seems so I guess you need to have the channel first and then watch it and watch it when they did it…
I mean where I am from the private cable tv wasn’t as common so it was easier for people to see most of the stuff as all was free over the air tv, as long as you had a tv and antenna that’s it.
On America it seems like it would be easier I guess for people not see certain things if they didn’t have cable or their didn’t have certain channel or similar.
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