Those bastards at Fisher-Price knew exactly what they were doing. (

Motorcycle of your dream (
nice dick, bro (

Do not overeat! (

How to keep a man (

Someone been stealing ideas (

Number 2 (
These two news articles being consecutive is hilarious.

Well now I'm disappointed too! (

If you know, you know. (
… and if you don’t know I’m not going to explain it.
Christmas day grind (


Pray for their safety (

Mama what you done? (

frog (

KFC chicken be shrinkin' (
I see the chicken size post, and match you this pathetic excuse of ‘food’. US penny for scale.
Yes (

Prometheus (

Strange cameraman (
It's like a game where you can't make mistakes (
Smells Like Teen Spirit (
When I throw something at the trash, I holler “Cobain!” instead of “Kobe!”...

Jesus leaving Chili's the way His father would want him to on Christmas night (
Jesus and the 12 Apostles are out to eat...

Suspension with program stabilization (
What you're about to watch... (

4202 g (