our brains run simulations of awful situations all the time as a diagnostic self-test system. The fact that we recoil in revulsion from destructive intrusive thoughts is a sign that we are still at least nominally sane. Those who yearn for peace prepare for war. Likewise, those who care for their loved ones prepare to face terrible events that might befall them.
Now imagine riding one with your wife and TWO CHILDREN.
(Disclaimer: nothing happened, but the fucking horror and constant stress. That’s the kind of shit I have no problem doing by myself or with my wife only.)
Lol my mom and I have OCD. She’s got a bit of this type, fortunately mine is a bit more of the I really really love filing and collecting things (data hoarding) borderline autistic type.
It gets used for all of that but I think it’s also more literally the feeling you get standing near a tall edge and picturing what it’d be like to jump. Translated from the French “l’appel du vide” I believe. I have it very strong, all the forms…
Shin Sekai Yori is an light novel / anime about what happens when these thoughts have power and how a society might develop to control the destructive consequences of said thoughts.
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