Agent641, Moist humor
Cylusthevirus, There's this one webcomic called Oglaf...
Thcdenton, I’m so fucked up
DumbAceDragon, Piss humor
Pickle_Jr, This makes me think of cackle laughs
kool_newt, (edited ) After engaging with so many tankies, I thought the title said “maoist” and was wondering what it had to do with the tyrannical cult of personality.
amio, That's an actual expression in Norwegian. "Dry" humor means basically the same as in English. A "wet joke" is something you'd probably make this kind of face at.
AllNewTypeFace, it’s called “erotica”
Tvkan, Collectively know as the four humors.
amio, It's called sanguine because blood is hilarious, right?
hungryphrog, Alright, that’s no more Lemmy for me today.
dylanTheDeveloper, Brit#sh
Spider89, Why…
Just why…
pruwybn, Why did this make me laugh harder than anything I’ve seen all week
TheEntity, Dank memes, you're looking for dank memes.
KoalaUnknown, Nice watermark.
DarkGamer, Ready for some HOT WET stand up comedy? Meet DESPERATE comedians in your area who NEED IT, (click here, 2 drink minimum.)
funkless_eck, I’ll settle for an improv jam 😔
sirico, AKA Gallagher
1984, A true shit post.
samus12345, Presumably loose stool specifically.
bingbong, A true wetpost
creditCrazy, Or would it be birth post? Just thinking about the hole were talking about.
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