jayrodtheoldbod, It’s like some kind of fucked up art
Smokeydope, The cat version of sitting down on the toilet only to find out the hard way that the seat is up
xia, Live stream.
billwashere, Thanks. I just shot coke out my nose.
undeffeined, If Monday was a picture.
Zacryon, A good opportunity to learn about projectile motion.
A_Chilean_Cyborg, The world rn
Pat_Riot, cat.exe has stopped working
ohlaph, I bet that smells terrific.
Siegfried, “Could this human clean the litter box more often?”
m0darn, (edited ) Am I too dense to recognize that everyone is intentionally not saying:
Massive squirt from sloppy pussy (furry)
great_site_not, Most people are trying to intentionally not remember you said it
brlemworld, Weeeeeeeeeee!
RoyaltyInTraining, Cool trickshot
ansis, Is he taking the piss??
kewwwi, I believe he’s spreading it
supercriticalcheese, I wouldn’t either, what a weirdo!
mtchristo, All hail the cat fountain
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