First aid kit, water purifier, jeep, cb radio. I'm shit out of luck on my own so the radio is to find a survivor enclave, the jeep is to get there, the water purifier and medical supplies are to trade so they'll let me in.
I’m fine with three! Tent, Flashlight and Camera. That way I’ll have the easiest way out by being the sidecharacter who gets murdered during the exposition before it all goes to shit.
Fire Axe - for fire wood collection as well as wood based structures for shelter and defense. Also it is a decent weapon that takes relatively little skill to effectively wield.
German Shepard - loyal and lethal companionship, living thinking alarm bell, will instinctively assist in protection/attacking, could be trained to track game. Will gladly accept food scraps, the bones and flesh of my enemies, and pets as payment for services rendered.
Body armor - reduces risk of infection through scratches to body as well as mild protection against various weapons. Also an added insulative thermal layer for the cold. Body plate can be replaced with old thinkpads as needed
Shotgun, ak-47, pistol, katana. I don’t want to live long term in a zombie apocalypse, just need the firepower for a bit of fun before I go. After I run out of ammo for the shotgun and the AK, I use the pistol to kill myself - the katana is just in case I get caught short at close range
The guns will depend entirely on ammo. Gasoline for the vehicles will go bad eventually, a diesel truck with 4 wheel drive would be better. The radio depends on other people also having radios. Everything else can either be easily found later or can be made given enough time.
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