saltnotsugar, Those slaps were rather gentle, with a spirit of “Get out of here you silly goose!”
SharkEatingBreakfast, Yeah, I was really happy to see it wasn’t a wallop!
People don’t often treat reptiles very nice compared to mammals, but this is understandable and not excessive!
3ntranced, To be fair most approaching mammals don’t have the jaw strength to crush my skull like a grape.
But just look at that smiley boi.
SharkEatingBreakfast, (edited )
- Don’t put your skull in his mouth then, you goof.
- You’d be surprised how much damage mammals can inflict with ease.
XEAL, The alligator/crocothing was really confused
Jerb322, Your first guess was correct. Wide, blunt snout gives it away. Crocodiles- skinny, toothy snout.
Uncle_Bagel, They would have been fucked if it was a crocodile. American alligators are usually super chill and aren’t a problem so long as you aren’t actively antagonizing them. Crocodiles, meanwhile, are colossal assholes that are always looking to fuck up someone’s day.
kautau, There’s also American crocodiles, which are very shy and reclusive as well. If it was a saltwater or Nile croc though, yeah, it would have made a point of ruining their day.
captainlezbian, American crocodilians are chill
misophist, Easy way to remember: an alligator’s snout is rounded like the C in Crocodile, and a crocodile’s snout is pointed like the A in Alligator.
HappySashimi, This does not seem easy
GoodEye8, If it looks like a Crocodile it’s an Alligator and if it looks like an Alligator it’s a Crocodile. Easy.
Art3sian, I tend to tell the difference by which one I will see later vs. which one I will see in a while.
Jessica, They are way too casual around something that can rip their fingers and arm off
bruhduh, Florida be like
0x4E4F, Bad bad croc! Shew, go home!
fmstrat, Ahem. Gator. 😀
0x4E4F, Yeah, probably, I really don’t know the difference… except for what Robin Williams said in Jumanji 😂.
Paradachshund, Boop of banishing
adj16, 🤣
sentient_loom, That’s how Ripley should have dealt with the ALIEN.
A_Toasty_Strudel, pat pat Off you go. Out the airlock you silly goose. pat pat
wabafee, Bad boy, bad boy shooo!
Thcdenton, I love gators
Crow, Im always surprised how tame alligators are. Nothing like crocodiles.
redcalcium, That’s a funny looking stray cat.
Shieldtoad, See you later
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