Fable does this too. At least the third one. I'd married a beggar with the honest intention of lifting up one of my kingdom's most socially aware instead of settling for some brainless, peacocking noble, and all he did with his time on the throne was become a national embarrassment on the same old street corner.
So. Remembering the existence of this "Henry VIII" achievement that I'd thought I was never gonna bother getting. I took my beloved beggar-king down to the treasury, positioned him at the very top of the overflowing pile of gold he always seemed to forget we had, and shot him in the head. And then I started thinking about that achievement.
Husband and I are playing it right now. At one point in Solstheim there were Wearbears EVERYWHERE. It was hilarious. Another time we couldn’t get a quest to progress because an npc was supposed to be dead and wasn’t. So we killed her right in front of them, and immediatly got an update to the quest log. Also hilarious.
The bugs (generally) make it funnier, as long as you aren’t taking things too seriously (and mods help immensely)
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