Gork, I just can’t stop watching this lol
0ops, Me too. I need the extended version
atx_aquarian, Um, is…um… w- what??
bobs_monkey, Beer and a possibility of too much whiskey
TseseJuer, ya think
smeg, What does that caption even mean?
Slovene, Man, what the fuck is going on in Colorado?
aluminium, Red Dead Redemption 2 secret ending
AnonWyo, If you French fry when you’re supposed to pizza, YER GONNA HAVE A BAD TIME!
realitista, What’s the black thing supposed to be, El Chupacabra?
sxan, Clever editing. Took me a couple watches to see that the stuffed thing falling down the hill wasn’t the guy in the suit.
Pregnenolone, Ski Free IRL
AI_toothbrush, Bruuuh the way it falls down is just so goofy
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