atx_aquarian, Um, is…um… w- what??
bobs_monkey, Beer and a possibility of too much whiskey
TseseJuer, ya think
Gork, I just can’t stop watching this lol
0ops, Me too. I need the extended version
AI_toothbrush, Bruuuh the way it falls down is just so goofy
Pregnenolone, Ski Free IRL
sxan, Clever editing. Took me a couple watches to see that the stuffed thing falling down the hill wasn’t the guy in the suit.
smeg, What does that caption even mean?
Slovene, Man, what the fuck is going on in Colorado?
realitista, What’s the black thing supposed to be, El Chupacabra?
AnonWyo, If you French fry when you’re supposed to pizza, YER GONNA HAVE A BAD TIME!
aluminium, Red Dead Redemption 2 secret ending
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