In the holiday spirit...
What’s with the Stone Cold Salutes?
What’s with the Stone Cold Salutes?
drislands, AI generated, if anyone is wondering.
jawa21, If anyone out there was actually wondering after seeing that child’s knuckles, they need help.
lowleveldata, Do the kids care about Santa being real or not? I was mainly in for the gifts AFAI recall.
EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted, A lot of kids do care.
Risk, Depends whether you’re parents/family have made the magic of Christmas or the presents the focus. My kids certainly would care; I did too.
Waluigis_Talking_Buttplug, My mom never let me believe in Santa, and as a child I thought it was very surreal how all the kids in pre k and kindergarten were talking about it. I remember kids like actually crying and bawling their eyes out when they learned about it and I’m really glad I wasn’t subjected to that.
Sabre363, (edited ) Enjoy that moment kid, it’s all downhill from there.
RustyShackleford, No kidding, childhood is the free trial for life.
recarsion, (edited ) But you can’t opt out after the free trial ends and if you got bad RNG or messed up you get to take the L for 80 years.
KpntAutismus, mostly, but having bad parents is like getting thrown into hardcore mode without ever playing the game before
Aurenkin, It’s fun because you get to spend early adulthood patching yourself up enough to pass for a functional human being then later in life you get to have the fun of all the duct tape you used to hold yourself together coming loose before you’re forced to confront the actual issues and heal properly (if you’re lucky).
Or so I’ve heard.
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