marito, That’s probably where its headed. At least that’s the impression to that I get.
flambonkscious, Get. Out.
vzq, This AI is clearly…
one step beyond.
(I’ll go get me coat)
ProfessorGumby, cool. cool.
Semi-Hemi-Demigod, I, for one, welcome our new skanking overlords and look forward to serving them in the brass mines
ininewcrow, You God damned Skank
dipshit, have you ever been close to tragedy or been close to those who have
wintermutehal, I for one have never knocked on wood
dipshit, did you know someone who has?
wintermutehal, Yes, which makes me wonder if I should
camelCaseGuy, I mean, I love ska. But a whole eternity of it? It’s just way too much.
PopcornPrincess, Doot Doot 🎺🎺
rustyfish, For the machine is immortal, I say.
ininewcrow, We have to find John Connor to protect the future of the resistance
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