The other day I was talking on the phone with a friend and I said out loud, “how many damn polar bears do I need to click to get into your fucking store”, and he knew exactly what I meant.
Choose the stop lights, hmm I guess… okay bike, busses, stairs. Incorrect! You are a robot do it again! No! You are wrong thats square with 0.15% of a wheel is obviously part of a bus!!!
I smell a robot! Prove, prove, prove! Prove to me you’re not a robot! Look at these curvy letters. Much curvier than most letters, wouldn’t you say? No robot could ever read these. You look mortal, if ye be. You look and you type what you think you see! Is it an E or is it a 3? That’s up to ye. The passwords that passed, you correctly guessed, but now it’s time for the robot test! I’ve devised a question no robot could ever answer. Which of these pictures does not have a stop sign in it?”
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