If you find this meme relatable due to anxiety (I do), meditation helped me so much.
My employer pays for a meditation subscription and it didn’t just teach me breathing or how to think about “nothing.” It taught me to note the thought/feeling, label it as one of the two and let it go.
If nothing matters, then you can choose what matters to you, and if I choose to care about something, then it matters because it matters to me, even if it doesn’t to other people.
This feels like my job. 17 years I’ve been there and the amount of times they panic and set impossible deadlines on things that in the end never seem to matter later on is staggering…
Customers don’t care/understand how things work so if someone bullshits them with a ridiculous time frame they have no idea. All the customer hears is “I can do it faster” and dumbass monkey brain kicks in
I feel like this should have been the end credits to the Game of Thrones finale. Actually it should also have been the end credits of the Battlestar Galactica finale as well.
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