
lugal, Really?? Europe isn’t a country! It’s a continent! Why can’t you Yankies understand that?
YoorWeb, Please be /s, Please be /s, Please be /s
lugal, Did I forget to put it on the end? /s
random_character_a, ![]()
son_named_bort, Tell Drew Carey that.
HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, ![]()
lugal, MapsWithMadagascar
WoahWoah, True, but this is a picture of Australia.
Kase, No no, Australia is the little one in the bottom right corner
WoahWoah, No that’s Canada you idiot
Shou, Phew. Thanks for clearing that up, I thought it was Ireland.
lugal, No, Ireland isn’t part of the EU anymore
_TheThunderWolf_, thats not Australia thats the Arctic Ocean, and the thing in the bottom right is Lake Titicaca with Portugal floating in it for some reason
MasterNerd, ![]()
Isn’t Europe in England?
Jorgelino, (edited ) Nah man, it’s the other way around! The UK is in England. Europe is in London.
lugal, Thanks! I always confused UK and US
Vrtrx, But I can see some parts of Africa at the top. What a shitty map 😡😡
lugal, -.- it literally says that it a map of Europe
usualsuspect191, Pictured: the proof
FlyingSquid, ![]()
19th century Europeans: “Yes, with enough guns.”
rbesfe, The subtle scent on this antique meme is exquisite
MrNesser, Map must have been drawn by a american /s
attofreak, Idk what demographic you’re trying to piss off, but we already are too close to a WW3, so let’s all just chill.
trackcharlie, Fuck me I laughed
kusivittula, i always hear about this “europe” and i’ve been staring at a map for days but i can’t find where in america it is.
ElBarto, ![]()
America: so far…
basxto, ![]()
I can’t see England, seems correct.
lseif, this will anger some geologists.
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