Doesn’t mean we can’t learn from them. The process of developing those models can be incredibly useful in learning about complex steps. They help us understand what conditions and variables are important to look into. We can figure out what we know a lot about and what is still a complete mystery.
Turbulent airflow is an incredibly complicated thing, we still haven’t fully solved the Navier+Stokes equations. I hope to be alive when someone does.
Just because they don’t perfectly figure it out the first time doesn’t mean we should stop putting effort into incremental improvements. Though we do have to be careful that we are not wasting resources when there is a more efficient path forward. Simulations are one of many important tools, we just have to use them wisely.
Whatever benefits you get out of letting an AI write code for you, is lost as soon as the corporate overlords claim your work as theirs because they own the AI that wrote it.
I just hope we’re not seeing the start of a shutdown of the North Atlantic current, which is likely what led to the Younger Dryas ice age, which marked a dramatic climate shift and widespread extinction event over just a couple of decades:
The change was relatively sudden, took place over decades, and resulted in a decline of temperatures in Greenland by 4–10 °C (7.2–18 °F), and advances of glaciers and drier conditions over much of the temperate Northern Hemisphere. A number of theories have been put forward about the cause, and the hypothesis historically most supported by scientists is that the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, which transports warm water from the Equator towards the North Pole, was interrupted by an influx of fresh, cold water from North America into the Atlantic.
The thing I keep thinking about, and I feel like I’ve never been able to properly communicate, is that the machines our society runs on are built to run in a certain temperature range.
The 2021 texas winter fiasco was a perfect demonstration of what happens when we try to run a society’s machinery outside of it’s expected temperature range. Yes, the ERCOT goofballs were trying to save money by narrowing that expected operating range because “It never gets that cold” and “It never gets that hot”, but my badly articulated point still stands - a system was made to operate in a temperature range outside of it’s capability, and it started to fail. They were minutes away from losing very expensive and hard to replace equipment. What we don’t want is for one of the more competently-run power grids in the world to start to buckle due to temperatures, because the same thing that happened in texas could happen on a larger scale.
And that’s just talking about the power grid. Anything with a heat exchanger in it, including your car and air conditioner and all the refrigeration that is needed to keep everyone fed, is designed to run in a certain temperature range, and will stop working if you run it outside of that range for too long.
But wait, we can just design stuff to run in a wider temperature range! We certainly can. But we would have to redesign everything that moves heat around.
The day after tomorrow was related, but relied on a no longer mainstream idea that the Arctic vortex could become a whole northern hemisphere storm, so big it would liquify nitrogen in its central low
We really hope that’s not a thing that can happen. It would render most of the northern hemisphere dead
When you stop and actually think about our situation you realise how thin our operating margins are, we are at the mercy of whatever the planet does and our safety is subject to immediate dismissal should the conditions change. Worse of course are the random cosmic whims which could wipe us out instantly at any time e.g. comets, the sun going weird, etc.
It’s a thought that gives me comfort that we, as a species, will be evicted before we can do irreparable damage so that life can continue to evolve without us.
Is there any resource for forecasting what will likely occur in a given area? I don’t see how we can stop climate change now, so I want to prepare my family for it.
Yeah, but the changes to weather patterns will vary from location to location, right?
This is what I mean:
Warming is already occurring in all areas of the globe, but models of future temperatures show that the changes will not be distributed equally. Polar regions and land areas are expected to see the largest temperature changes.
Right, but if that current shuts down, that means the transfer of warm and cold currents that power weather patterns across the entire northern hemisphere will be disrupted.
The last time that happened, the entire northern hemisphere basically froze over. If you live north of the equator, whether it’s North America, Europe, or Asia, the result would be similar: no more warm seasons and freezing to the point of glaciation, from what I understand. I’m not a climatologist, though.
“let’s pretend we don’t understand La Nina and El Nino during this cyclical winter to push our current agenda. Anyone says “WTF” we brand as a science denier.”
Even as the US hits record setting lows, the temperature of the planet as a whole remains above average. If it’s -20°F across the entire US, how hot must the rest of the planet be?
That was hyperbole, I don’t know if it’s been -20°F across the entire country at any one time, but there was a couple years ago when we had that big freeze and Texas almost died
Dunno where you are, but i’m high desert. Brown christmas and a january ass kicking is pretty standard, admittedly seemingly more common when i was younger. . Even half of canada gets a brown christmas every ten years or so, pretty much on this pattern.
Smack in the middle of Canada, winters colder than Alaska, summers nearly as warm as Hawai’i. We already get very little rain, and like the rest of the Great Plains, we’re on track to being a desert (temperate in our case). We already lost most of our topsoil in the dirty 30s, and there’s plenty of sand just below in the glacial till.
These aren’t records, fuck off. “OMG MINUS 38 WINDCHILL MINUS 52” It used to be 50 on a calm day these areas, mid january, dead calm. There’s a sensationalist aspect occurring over what people old enough recognize as normal weather.
Yeah I’ve actually lost faith in 100% of folks in 2024 who still think it’s a scam. I used to think it was just boomers, it’s not. Every climate change related post from NASA on their social media accounts is literally full of young people making fun of them for ‘lying to the public’ and how it’s all a hoax. There’s no depth to these people, we truly live in a society full of complete morons who will believe in a conspiracy theory because of a 5 minute badly edited YouTube video, but refuse to trust anything that is widely accepted in the scientific community because of their need to feel important, intelligent, and ‘in’ on something that the rest of the world isn’t in on.
the fellow students in school growing up that always blew off paying attention in school and disrupting class didn’t just disappear… sure i saw less of them when i wasn’t confined to those public grade school walls, but it’s been a harsh realization for me as I’m seeing them again as adults buying into and spreading the misinformation.
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