Ilovethebomb, It’s a matter of perspective really.
In the sense that the fence is built on higher ground, but it’s not obvious because of the perspective the photo is taken from.
Octopus1348, You must be fun at parties 🤓🤓🤓🤓. /s
olutukko, I know this is with /s but it still annoywd the crap out of me
Voyajer, /serious
Remotedeck, Oh that makes sense, I couldn’t figure it out
Rentlar, This image was the basis of Netherlands building dykes in 1200 AD.
afraid_of_zombies, False neither was designed. Some consultant put numbers in a spreadsheet and back charged the people who built it.
m3t00, the installers moved it back a foot because engineering drew it where the retaining wall is. yard debris plugs drain grates with heavy rain. shit happens . clean up or swim to your car ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Daxter101, When the drain/fence ratio too low:
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