It’s fine, the concession stand switched to paper straws. It’ll be soggy and unusable before the trailers are over, but it makes up for the sins of the popcorn bucket.
Don’t worry, the bacterial grey goo will consume all the plastic except for the deepest buried and we will only be able to remember the petroleum polymers that was killing us as we sip from glass bottles.
I was thinking of the Honored Matres of the scattering, whom the bene gesserit despise largely because they rely on sexual manipulation rather than other forms of control and influence.
I probably should have specified that much of that is later in the series and not in the first book.
A major plot point is a group of women who can so expertly perform sexual favors that they completely override the free will of men.
Said it before and say it again. Dune only makes sense if you remember that every character you see is a product of multiple generations of incest, religious zealots, and useless idle royality.
The entire power of the Bene Gesserits could be defeated with 40 cents set of ear plugs, or hiring gay guys, or straight women, or deaf people, or straight men on libido blockers, or asexuals, or stubborn people, or people who speak a different language…
Their power is using sexy voice. Some random teenager with a slingshot is more dangerous.
Idk why but I always thought this was a Derrick Comedy vid. Kind of surprised now to realize it isn’t. If you like this and hadn’t heard of them, I recommend checking them out. Donald Glover (before Community) and his friends from the early days of YouTube. They had a hysterical movie too (Mystery Team).
I think they could have done something that didn’t look like a Fleshlight though. This one doesn’t even look like a sand worm… it’s barely a passable Sarlacc.
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