If you encounter problems you can’t find information on, do Ubuntu LTS next and use askununtu.com, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com. The existing documentation and the largest community is what makes this the easiest option. Once you gain XP for a couple of years that XP is transferrable to Debian.
After years of Manjaro (and I still use it on most of my computers), I’m trying out Nobara KDE to see how it keeps up for gaming. It has a number of optimizations that Glorious Eggroll has compiled and seems pretty fast compared to Manjaro on the same hardware. I imagine I could do all the changes on Manjaro, but I also wanted to see how Fedora runs these days, it’s been a long time since I used it on the daily.
Arch + XFCE on my desktop. Have been for a while now, and everytime i try something else, I always come back to it. For my laptop, I’ve been using Gnome + extensions (Arch as well. That way I don’t gotta switch gears and remember two different sets of commands) before i had to take it in for repairs. Was pretty good because of the mousepad gestures IMO.
After contemplating for 3-4 years about switching my main rig to Linux, I did it on Friday just gone.
Note for the below, I have a full AMD system.
I went with Garuda Dragonized distro as it is gaming focused and has all the game related stuff included.
took me less than 30mins going from gaming on Win11 to Linux, but I did the research before.
there are a few tweaks if you use Steam but you have Lutris to help you.
of the 35 ish games installed, all of them work without issues, but they need updating once you enable compatibility to Proton.
the default theme is too flashy but you can select to bring it down a few notches
if you have secondary SSD or HDD, dedicated to games or files like I did, it is advisable to have them backed up to an external drive as you will need to re-partition them from NTFS to use them properly in Linux
with Garuda Dragonized Gaming, all drivers are installed but follow the Wizard at the beginning and check all that apply to you. It will save you time.
Good luck and looking forward to having you on Linux!
Is it hard to switch from Xfce to Plasma? Will it affect my installed programs? I only use this computer for gaming and dev work which is backed up against a git repo tho so I wouldn’t be too sad to lose it.
Not really, and no. This shouldn’t affect your already-running system. This change means that the iso will offer plasma by default and will run plasma in the live environment.
And I wouldn’t say it’s particularly hard to switch from any desktop environment to another. It takes some relearning where stuff is, keyboard shortcuts, etc, but any desktop environment can run any Linux program, provided the necessary libraries are installed (which your package manager takes care of). You can install kde programs on your xfce desktop, and they will run fine (and vice versa). They’ll just pull in a bunch of kde libraries when you install.
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