I’m going to start this article off by saying that you don’t have to be born in the boomer generation to be a boomer. You can be a boomer by acting like one. Hate new stuff? boomer. Run a desktop from the naughties? Boomer
Why even bother having words at all if we’re going to redefine them for clickbait?
What clickbait? Linux boomers is two words and it is common to call people a boomer if they act like one. Linux boomer describes a specific type of boomer.
“rofl” as you want. We know your mental age and how broken your toilet mind is. You probably get some professional help to fix that. Just don’t laugh at that. It’s no joke.
Totally useless “article”. You learn nothing, you have to navigate between poor writing with high usage of explectives. It’s like reading a 11 years-old rebel child blog.
Took ya that long? As soon as they went “That’s right fuckface.”, it was over lol. I knew whatever was gonna follow would be some unhinged shit…and it was, save for that one nugget of wisdom that was thrown in there about shutting up and using what you wanted (that of course, they wouldn’t follow. If they did this wouldn’t exist in the first place)
Link returns “This site can’t be reachedThe webpage at files.catbox.moe/8g7agm.mp4 might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.”.
Link returns “This site can’t be reachedThe webpage at files.catbox.moe/8g7agm.mp4 might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.”.
It seems to be working for me.
Do you have a github or codeberg link?
I didn’t think anyone would have interest in it so i haven’t uploaded it. After new year’s I could clean it up a bit and host it on github.
Maybe we should add it to awesome-lemmy?.
I think it may be e a bit too early for that. At the current state it supports dynamic fetching of the feed in the background (quite buggy), paginating and displaying long posts and displaying top level comments only. At the current state it’s quite enough for me to enjoy a few (more like a few dozen) posts, but definitely not anywhere close to “awesome”.
Uncharitability to those you disagree with, style without substance, and all built upon thought-terminating cliches.
This isn’t helpful or enlightening or informative, it’s entertaining but not in an interesting nor original way. It reminds me of 2010s Reddit memes where everything was about adding as many “fucks” as possible because our moms aren’t supervising our internet time anymore. It espouses a consoomer mindset of “gotta have bigger numbers and shinier visuals because all that matters is appealing to lizard-brain.”
And it’s all couched in the obvious mindset that any criticism will be met with “ok boomer” (I’ll almost be insulted if I don’t get one) because being superior is more important than being right. Y’know… like a boomer?
You’ve got a point, focus on that: you can make the case that Linux fits your use case, or that certain mindsets within the Linux community are hindering progress. But please do so in a way that doesn’t just lend itself to more infighting and drama. That shit is for shallow people who have nothing to contribute and only serve as the cultural detritus that destroys communities and community-driven projects.
Seems like you just found an excuse for your unnecessary invectiveness. You probably think you’re funny or you’re trolling. This is not even trolling, not even fourth-class bait material. Maybe you should try Kali, suits your attitude more.
sed is okay but a little nasty, when your sed script is longer that one search-replace command you gotta ask yourself what you’re doing really (yes, sed is a full-featured Turing-complete programming language, if you go far enough into the man page).
When I see awk in any stackoverflow recipe, I just say ‘fuck it’ and rewrite the whole thing in Python. Python is included into the minimal system image in Debian, the same as awk, but is way less esoteric, and you can do python -e ‘import os, sys; commands;’ for a one-liner console script.
And if you want to talk about portability, try writing scripts for Android 4.4 ash shell. There’s no [ ] command. You do switch/case to compare strings.
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